181. | It would P : appear from his statement Q : about the policy of the management R : in dealing with the strike S : that he was quite in the dark The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRQS |
b. | PSQR |
c. | RPSQ |
d. | RQPS |
182. | The practice of taking performance boosting drugs among athletes P : but checking it is not going to be easy Q : is generally conceded to be unfair R : of the detection technology S : for the user is generally one jump ahead The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | QPRS |
b. | QPSR |
c. | RQPS |
d. | RQSP |
183. | 1 : The district collector P : the next of kin Q : would be provided to R : announced that financial assistance S : of the deceased 6 : from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSRQ |
b. | QSPR |
c. | RQPS |
d. | SQRP |
184. | P : it becomes difficult Q : satisfying our desire R : but once we set about S : if not impossible to restrain them The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QRPS |
c. | RQPS |
d. | RQSP |
185. | Dermatologists tell us P : that the skin Q : is a finely laminated coating R : whose layered nature S : has inspired comparisons with onions The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | PRQS |
c. | PRSQ |
d. | PSRQ |
186. | 1 : The advantage of travelling P : customs and manners, is that Q : we learn to appreciate the good points of others R : in different places and having S : the opportunities of observing people’s 6 : and our prejudice against them disappear. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QRSP |
c. | RSPQ |
d. | SPQR |
187. | P : we shall hardly expect to find life there Q : knowing that R : there is neither air nor water S : on the moon The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QRSP |
c. | RSPQ |
d. | SRQP |
188. | 1 : In the coming session, P : of our computer management services Q : to make them R : more useful, efficient and cost-effective S : we are undertaking a thorough review 6 : for your needs The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QRSP |
c. | RSPQ |
d. | SPQR |
189. | The captain P : when engaged against the enemy Q : who was himself a brave man R : never to lose heart S : advised the soldiers The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQSR |
b. | QPSR |
c. | QSRP |
d. | SQRP |
190. | P : when Q : a child develops best R : like a young plant S : he is left undisturbed in the same soil The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QPRS |
c. | QPSR |
d. | PQSR |