201. | I enclose P : and the postage Q : a postal order R : the price of the books S : which will cover The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | QPSR |
b. | QSPR |
c. | QSRP |
d. | RPSQ |
202. | As lightning accompanies thunder, P : was mingled with Q : so in my character R : the mutterings of my wrath S : a flash of humour The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRSQ |
b. | QPRS |
c. | QRPS |
d. | QSPR |
203. | The exhibition committee P : attractive and useful Q : to make the exhibition R : making efforts S : has been The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | QPRS |
b. | QPSR |
c. | SRPQ |
d. | SRQP |
204. | P : took place Q : when militants opened fire on BSF men R : the encounter lasting over two hours S : in the town around 8.30 a.m. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | QPRS |
b. | QSRP |
c. | RPQS |
d. | RPSQ |
205. | 1 : Charles Goodyear once accidentally P : and found that the resulting rubber Q : dropped a mixture of natural rubber R : was harder, stronger, more elastic S : and sulphur over a hot stove 6 : and non-sticky The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSQR |
b. | QSPR |
c. | RSQP |
d. | SQPR |
206. | 1 : If the parachutes had failed to open P : the whole of his couch would Q : he could have pulled a liver to provide an emergency ejection R : and special parachutes would have unfolded S : then have been fired from the cabin 6 : to bring him down. The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSRQ |
b. | QPSR |
c. | RSQP |
d. | SQPR |
207. | During hibernation P : they have lost a good deal of weight Q : of course the animals consume R : and when they awake again S : the fats accumulated in the summer The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PQRS |
b. | QSRP |
c. | RQSP |
d. | SQPR |
208. | The house, P : about half a mile distant Q : that stands in front of us, R : was built of stones S : which were dug out of its own site The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | QPRS |
b. | QRPS |
c. | QRSP |
d. | QSPR |
209. | We P : agreed with Q : the manner in which you said it R : but we objected to S : what you said The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PSQR |
b. | PSRQ |
c. | SPQR |
d. |
210. | The U.S. soyabean P : in the developing world Q : and when famine strikes R : is America’s singlemost lucrative export S : American soyabeans are a major source of high protein sustenance The Proper sequence should be: |
a. | PRSQ |
b. | PSRQ |
c. | RQPS |
d. | RQSP |