31.1 : Almost every country in the world
P : that it is of the chosen people
Q : it has some special dispensation from Providence
R : and that others are somewhat
S : believes that
6 : inferior creatures
The proper sequence should be:
32. The main cause of Industrial Revolution was
P : owing to the geographical discoveries
Q : in the 17th and 18th centuries
R : the great increase in overseas trade
S : of Columbus and Vasco-da-Gama
The proper sequence should be:
33. 1 : Above all,
P : in the present age of light reading,
Q : it is well if something heavier is cast now and then
R : of reading hastily and thoughtlessly,
S : that is,
6 : into the midst of the reading public.
The proper sequence should be:
34. P : with an idea to reach the deprived child
Q : by the United Nations Organisation
R : the year 1979 has been declared as
S : the International Year of the Child
The proper sequence should be:
35. We can think of
P : often confused in the public mind
Q : which suggest the need for
R : two factors
S : an international language
The proper sequence should be:
36. Little
P : that he had been let down
Q : stood by all these years
R : did he realise
S : by a colleague whom he had
The Proper sequence should be:
37.1 : Fair demands that
P : which may tend to give a poor impression
Q : before any comments are made
R : the person concerned should be
S : about a person,
6 : to give his side of the story.
The Proper sequence should be:
38. The administration will soon launch
P : to educate the people about their rights
Q : a consumer protection drive
R : against using fraudulent means
S : and to warn traders
The Proper sequence should be:
39. 1 : I reasoned with him
P : but could not disabuse him
Q : that the lawyer
R : for an hour
S : of the notion
6 : who had his case in hand was incompetent.
The Proper sequence should be:
40. 1 : Guru Nanak evolved
P : on omnipresence of God
Q : with his simple teachings
R : a new religious outlook
S : and removal of
6 : the evil religious practices.
The Proper sequence should be: