Organic Chemistry

181.Which gas is released in the process of fermentation
A. Carbon dioxide
B. sulfur dioxide
C. oxygen
D. hydrogen
Option”A” is correct
182.Gasohol is a mixture of gasoline and which of the following
A. ethyl alcohol
B. methyl alcohol
C. butyl alcohol
D. ethylene glycol
Option”A” is correct
183.C₂H₅OH is the chemical formula of which of the following?
A. ethyl alcohol
B. chlorophyll
C. vinegar
D. Sugar
Option”A” is correct
184.What other names is methanol known by?
A. rubbing alcohol
B. grain alcohol
C. wood alcohol
D. denatured alcohol
Option”C” is correct
185.What process results in the formation of alcohol
A. Fermentation
B. triggering
C. Combination
D. displacement
Option”A” is correct
186.Ethylene is obtained by reacting with alkaline and cold solution of permanganate.
A. acetic acid
B. formic acid
C. ethylene glycol
D. Glycerol
Option”C” is correct
187.Terylene is prepared by the reaction of tetraphthalic acid and the following
A. xylene
B. ethylene
C. acetylene
D. ethylene glycol
Option”D” is correct
188.Antifreeze mixture is used in radiators of automobiles in cold countries, this mixture contains
A. water and ethyl alcohol
B. water and glycerol
C. water and ethylene glycol
D. none of these
Option”C” is correct
189.40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde is called –
A. Ethylene
B. acetylene
C. Pyrene
D. Formalin
Option”D” is correct
190.Urotropin used in urological diseases is made from
A. from chloroform
B. from nitrobenzene
C. from acetic acid
D. from formaldehyde
Option”D” is correct