Para Jumbles For All Competitive Exams

Para Jumbles : Para Jumbles Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Para Jumbles Questions along with previous year Para Jumbles Questions.

Para Jumbles Topic is a very important topic of Verbal section. Para Jumbles are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We are providing varieties of Para Jumbles Questions including Para Jumbles for CAT and Para Jumbles Questions for bank exams.

Directions:(1-5) Rearrange the given six sentences so as to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the given questions.

A. A moment or two later he forgot it, and, turned his eyes to the west.
B. Often as he had seen it the wonderful late glow over the mighty forest never failed to stir him, and to make his pulse beat a little faster.
C. It had an edge of cold that made Robert shiver a little, despite a hardy life in wilderness and open.
D. A light wind sang through the foliage, turned to varying and vivid hues now by the touch of autumn.
E. He watched the vast terraces of blazing color piled one above another by the sinking sun.
F. But it was only a passing feeling.

1. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

Ans: 4
On closely reading the sentences we see that the topic under discussion is Robert’s reaction to the wind and the nature that lay in front of him. Thus, D which introduces and describes the wind must be the starting sentence. C introduces Robert and also ‘it’ in C refers to the wind which is introduced in D. Thus, C must follow D. According to F, the shivering was only a passing feeling. Thus, F must logically follow C. Sentence A reconfirms that shivering was a passing feeling as according to the sentence Robet forgot about the feeling after some moments. Hence, A must follow F. E states what Robert did while looking towards the west. Also, the sun sets in the west. Thus, E logically follows A. B finally concludes by stating that the scenic view which he had seen many times never failed to mesmerize him. Thus B must complete the paragraph.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is DCFAEB.


2. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

Ans: 2
On closely reading the sentences we see that the topic under discussion is Robert’s reaction to the wind and the nature that lay in front of him. Thus, D which introduces and describes the wind must be the starting sentence. C introduces Robert and also ‘it’ in C refers to the wind which is introduced in D. Thus, C must follow D. According to F, the shivering was only a passing feeling. Thus, F must logically follow C. Sentence A reconfirms that shivering was a passing feeling as according to the sentence Robet forgot about the feeling after some moments. Hence, A must follow F. E states what Robert did while looking towards the west. Also, the sun sets in the west. Thus, E logically follows A. B finally concludes by stating that the scenic view which he had seen many times never failed to mesmerize him. Thus B must complete the paragraph.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is DCFAEB.


3. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

Ans: 1
On closely reading the sentences we see that the topic under discussion is Robert’s reaction to the wind and the nature that lay in front of him. Thus, D which introduces and describes the wind must be the starting sentence. C introduces Robert and also ‘it’ in C refers to the wind which is introduced in D. Thus, C must follow D. According to F, the shivering was only a passing feeling. Thus, F must logically follow C. Sentence A reconfirms that shivering was a passing feeling as according to the sentence Robet forgot about the feeling after some moments. Hence, A must follow F. E states what Robert did while looking towards the west. Also, the sun sets in the west. Thus, E logically follows A. B finally concludes by stating that the scenic view which he had seen many times never failed to mesmerize him. Thus B must complete the paragraph.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is DCFAEB.


4. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?

Ans: 3
On closely reading the sentences we see that the topic under discussion is Robert’s reaction to the wind and the nature that lay in front of him. Thus, D which introduces and describes the wind must be the starting sentence. C introduces Robert and also ‘it’ in C refers to the wind which is introduced in D. Thus, C must follow D. According to F, the shivering was only a passing feeling. Thus, F must logically follow C. Sentence A reconfirms that shivering was a passing feeling as according to the sentence Robet forgot about the feeling after some moments. Hence, A must follow F. E states what Robert did while looking towards the west. Also, the sun sets in the west. Thus, E logically follows A. B finally concludes by stating that the scenic view which he had seen many times never failed to mesmerize him. Thus B must complete the paragraph.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is DCFAEB.


5. Which of the following should be the LAST sentence after rearrangement?

Ans: 5
On closely reading the sentences we see that the topic under discussion is Robert’s reaction to the wind and the nature that lay in front of him. Thus, D which introduces and describes the wind must be the starting sentence. C introduces Robert and also ‘it’ in C refers to the wind which is introduced in D. Thus, C must follow D. According to F, the shivering was only a passing feeling. Thus, F must logically follow C. Sentence A reconfirms that shivering was a passing feeling as according to the sentence Robet forgot about the feeling after some moments. Hence, A must follow F. E states what Robert did while looking towards the west. Also, the sun sets in the west. Thus, E logically follows A. B finally concludes by stating that the scenic view which he had seen many times never failed to mesmerize him. Thus B must complete the paragraph.
Hence, the correct order of the sentence is DCFAEB.


Directions:(6-10) Six sentences are given below. These sentences, when rearranged properly, form a logical and meaningful paragraph. Rearrange the sentences and answer the questions based on that.

A. In certain parts of the country the old assemblies or Provincial Estates still met at fixed times, but their functions were very closely limited.
B. The young king appeared, therefore, to be left face to face with a nation over which he was to exercise direct and despotic power.
C. When Louis XVI. came to the throne in the year 1774, he inherited a power nearly absolute in theory over all the temporal affairs of his kingdom.
D. Among the great desires of men in those ages had been organization and strong government.
E. It was a recognized maxim that the royal was law. Moreover, for more than two centuries, the tendency of continental governments had been toward absolutism.
F. The Parliaments, or high courts of justice, which had claimed the right to impose some check on legislation, had been browbeaten by Louis XIV., and the principal one, that of Paris, had been dissolved by his successor.

6. Which is the ‘FIFTH’ sentence of the paragraph?

Ans: 4
A is talking about some country. Hence, this country must be introduced before A. Sentence C introduces this country. Hence, C should come before A. A talks about how Louis IV limited the functions of provincial assemblies and F furthers explains this point. Hence, F should follow A. B mentions the outcome of the things mentioned in A and F. Hence, B will come after F. D makes more sense after E. Hence, the correct order of the sentences will be CAFBED.


7. Which is the ‘THIRD’ sentence of the paragraph?

Ans: 2
A is talking about some country. Hence, this country must be introduced before A. Sentence C introduces this country. Hence, C should come before A. A talks about how Louis IV limited the functions of provincial assemblies and F furthers explains this point. Hence, F should follow A. B mentions the outcome of the things mentioned in A and F. Hence, B will come after F. D makes more sense after E. Hence, the correct order of the sentences will be CAFBED.


8. Which is the ‘SECOND’ sentence of the paragraph?

Ans: 5
A is talking about some country. Hence, this country must be introduced before A. Sentence C introduces this country. Hence, C should come before A. A talks about how Louis IV limited the functions of provincial assemblies and F furthers explains this point. Hence, F should follow A. B mentions the outcome of the things mentioned in A and F. Hence, B will come after F. D makes more sense after E. Hence, the correct order of the sentences will be CAFBED.


9. Which is the ‘FIRST’ sentence of the paragraph?

Ans: 1
A is talking about some country. Hence, this country must be introduced before A. Sentence C introduces this country. Hence, C should come before A. A talks about how Louis IV limited the functions of provincial assemblies and F furthers explains this point. Hence, F should follow A. B mentions the outcome of the things mentioned in A and F. Hence, B will come after F. D makes more sense after E. Hence, the correct order of the sentences will be CAFBED.


10. Which is the ‘SIXTH’ sentence of the paragraph?

Ans: 3
A is talking about some country. Hence, this country must be introduced before A. Sentence C introduces this country. Hence, C should come before A. A talks about how Louis IV limited the functions of provincial assemblies and F furthers explains this point. Hence, F should follow A. B mentions the outcome of the things mentioned in A and F. Hence, B will come after F. D makes more sense after E. Hence, the correct order of the sentences will be CAFBED.