Para Jumbles : Para Jumbles Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, and other state government exams. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Para Jumbles Questions along with previous year Para Jumbles Questions. Para Jumbles Topic is a very important topic of Verbal section. Para Jumbles are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it. We are providing varieties of Para Jumbles Questions including Para Jumbles for CAT and Para Jumbles Questions for bank exams.
Directions:(1-5) Rearrange the following five sentences (A),(B),(C),(D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
A. But he had given his word, so he said that stings they should have. B. A Queen Bee from Hymettus flew up to Olympus with some fresh honey from the hive as a present to Jupiter, who was so pleased with the gift that he promised to give her anything she liked to ask for. C. Jupiter was greatly displeased with this request, for he loved mankind. D. The stings he gave them, however, were of such a kind that whenever a bee stings a man the sting is left in the wound and the bee dies. E. She said she would be very grateful if he would give stings to the bees, to kill people who robbed them of their honey.
1. Which of the following will be the second sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 5 Sentence B introduces the protagonists – the Queen Bee and Jupiter and gives the premise of the story. Thus, B is the first sentence. In sentence B, Jupiter grants the Queen Bee a boon and the Queen Bee asks for the boon in sentence E. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C gives the Jupiter’s feeling when he hears the Queen Bee’s request and thus C should follow E. Sentence A gives Jupiter’s decision on granting the boon and sentence D gives the boon that he granted the Queen Bee. Thus, A-D follows C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D From the arrangement we can see that E is the second sentence of the passage.
2. Which of the following will be the fourth sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 1 Sentence B introduces the protagonists – the Queen Bee and Jupiter and gives the premise of the story. Thus, B is the first sentence. In sentence B, Jupiter grants the Queen Bee a boon and the Queen Bee asks for the boon in sentence E. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C gives the Jupiter’s feeling when he hears the Queen Bee’s request and thus C should follow E. Sentence A gives Jupiter’s decision on granting the boon and sentence D gives the boon that he granted the Queen Bee. Thus, A-D follows C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D From the arrangement we can see that A is the fourth sentence of the passage.
3. Which of the following will be the third sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 3 Sentence B introduces the protagonists – the Queen Bee and Jupiter and gives the premise of the story. Thus, B is the first sentence. In sentence B, Jupiter grants the Queen Bee a boon and the Queen Bee asks for the boon in sentence E. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C gives the Jupiter’s feeling when he hears the Queen Bee’s request and thus C should follow E. Sentence A gives Jupiter’s decision on granting the boon and sentence D gives the boon that he granted the Queen Bee. Thus, A-D follows C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D From the arrangement we can see that C is the third sentence of the passage.
4. Which of the following will be the first sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 2 Sentence B introduces the protagonists – the Queen Bee and Jupiter and gives the premise of the story. Thus, B is the first sentence. In sentence B, Jupiter grants the Queen Bee a boon and the Queen Bee asks for the boon in sentence E. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C gives the Jupiter’s feeling when he hears the Queen Bee’s request and thus C should follow E. Sentence A gives Jupiter’s decision on granting the boon and sentence D gives the boon that he granted the Queen Bee. Thus, A-D follows C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D From the arrangement we can see that B is the first sentence of the passage.
5. Which of the following will be the last sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 4 Sentence B introduces the protagonists – the Queen Bee and Jupiter and gives the premise of the story. Thus, B is the first sentence. In sentence B, Jupiter grants the Queen Bee a boon and the Queen Bee asks for the boon in sentence E. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C gives the Jupiter’s feeling when he hears the Queen Bee’s request and thus C should follow E. Sentence A gives Jupiter’s decision on granting the boon and sentence D gives the boon that he granted the Queen Bee. Thus, A-D follows C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D From the arrangement we can see that D is the last sentence of the passage.
Directions:(6-10) Rearrange the following five sentences (A),(B),(C),(D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them. A. With his head full of this foolish idea, he became so puffed up with pride and vanity that he halted and started to bray loudly. B. A sacred Image was being carried to the temple. C. As the Ass walked along, the people bowed their heads reverently or fell on their knees, and the Ass thought the honor was being paid to himself. D. But in the midst of his song, his driver guessed what the Ass had got into his head, and began to beat him unmercifully with a stick. E. It was mounted on an Ass adorned with garlands and gorgeous trappings, and a grand procession of priests and pages followed it through the streets.
6. Which of the following will be the second sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 5 Sentence B introduces the main theme of the paragraph. Thus, B is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘it’ is used to refer to the “sacred image” mentioned in B. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C describes the people response to the procession described in B and the ass’s misinterpretation of the people’s action. Thus, C should follow B. Sentence A describes the foolish gesture of the ass because of his wrong interpretation and sentences D gives the drivers reaction to this. Thus, sentences A and D should follow C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D. Thus, E is the second sentence of the paragraph.
7. Which of the following will be the last sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 4 Sentence B introduces the main theme of the paragraph. Thus, B is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘it’ is used to refer to the “sacred image” mentioned in B. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C describes the people response to the procession described in B and the ass’s misinterpretation of the people’s action. Thus, C should follow B. Sentence A describes the foolish gesture of the ass because of his wrong interpretation and sentences D gives the drivers reaction to this. Thus, sentences A and D should follow C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D. Thus, D is the last sentence of the paragraph.
8. Which of the following will be the first sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 2 Sentence B introduces the main theme of the paragraph. Thus, B is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘it’ is used to refer to the “sacred image” mentioned in B. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C describes the people response to the procession described in B and the ass’s misinterpretation of the people’s action. Thus, C should follow B. Sentence A describes the foolish gesture of the ass because of his wrong interpretation and sentences D gives the drivers reaction to this. Thus, sentences A and D should follow C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D. Thus, B is the first sentence of the paragraph.
9. Which of the following will be the fourth sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 1 Sentence B introduces the main theme of the paragraph. Thus, B is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘it’ is used to refer to the “sacred image” mentioned in B. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C describes the people response to the procession described in B and the ass’s misinterpretation of the people’s action. Thus, C should follow B. Sentence A describes the foolish gesture of the ass because of his wrong interpretation and sentences D gives the drivers reaction to this. Thus, sentences A and D should follow C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D. Thus, A is the fourth sentence of the paragraph.
10. Which of the following will be the third sentence of the paragraph ?
Ans: 3 Sentence B introduces the main theme of the paragraph. Thus, B is the opening sentence. The pronoun ‘it’ is used to refer to the “sacred image” mentioned in B. Thus, E should follow B. Sentence C describes the people response to the procession described in B and the ass’s misinterpretation of the people’s action. Thus, C should follow B. Sentence A describes the foolish gesture of the ass because of his wrong interpretation and sentences D gives the drivers reaction to this. Thus, sentences A and D should follow C. Therefore, the final order of the sentences is B-E-C-A-D. Thus, C is the third sentence of the paragraph