Para Jumbles : Para Jumbles Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, and other state government exams. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Para Jumbles Questions along with previous year Para Jumbles Questions. Para Jumbles Topic is a very important topic of Verbal section. Para Jumbles are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it. We are providing varieties of Para Jumbles Questions including Para Jumbles for CAT and Para Jumbles Questions for bank exams.
Directions:(1-5) The following sentences, when arranged in the correct order, form a coherent paragraph. Find the right ordering of sentences.
A) A feudal prince, although unmindful of owing reciprocal obligations to his vassals, felt a higher sense of responsibility to his ancestors and to Heaven. B) Let it be far from me to uphold despotism of any sort; but it is a mistake to identify feudalism with it. C) When Frederick the Great wrote that “Kings are the first servants of the State,” jurists thought rightly that a new era was reached in the development of freedom. D) He was a father to his subjects, whom Heaven entrusted to his care. E) Strangely coinciding in time, in the backwoods of North-western Japan, Yozan of Yonézawa made exactly the same declaration, showing that feudalism was not all tyranny and oppression
1. Which is the THIRD sentence of the paragraph?
Ans: 5 We see a link between C and E. E states that Yonezawa made a similar declaration and the original declaration is given in C. Similarly, there is a link between A-D where A states that the feudal prince felt responsible towards his subjects and D elaborates why. The main point of the passage is that feudalism is not all bad. Sentence B which introduces the topic would be the first line of the paragraph. It should be followed by C-E where positive examples of feudalism are given. A-D conclude the paragraph by saying that a feudal prince is still responsible towards his subjects. Hence, the order is BCEAD. Hence, the third sentence is E.
2. Which is the FIRST sentence of the paragraph?
Ans: 2 We see a link between C and E. E states that Yonezawa made a similar declaration and the original declaration is given in C. Similarly, there is a link between A-D where A states that the feudal prince felt responsible towards his subjects and D elaborates why. The main point of the passage is that feudalism is not all bad. Sentence B which introduces the topic would be the first line of the paragraph. It should be followed by C-E where positive examples of feudalism are given. A-D conclude the paragraph by saying that a feudal prince is still responsible towards his subjects. Hence, the order is BCEAD. Hence, the first sentence is B.
3. Which is the FOURTH sentence of the paragraph?
Ans: 1 We see a link between C and E. E states that Yonezawa made a similar declaration and the original declaration is given in C. Similarly, there is a link between A-D where A states that the feudal prince felt responsible towards his subjects and D elaborates why. The main point of the passage is that feudalism is not all bad. Sentence B which introduces the topic would be the first line of the paragraph. It should be followed by C-E where positive examples of feudalism are given. A-D conclude the paragraph by saying that a feudal prince is still responsible towards his subjects. Hence, the order is BCEAD. Hence, the fourth sentence is A.
4. Which is the FIFTH sentence of the paragraph?
Ans: 4 We see a link between C and E. E states that Yonezawa made a similar declaration and the original declaration is given in C. Similarly, there is a link between A-D where A states that the feudal prince felt responsible towards his subjects and D elaborates why. The main point of the passage is that feudalism is not all bad. Sentence B which introduces the topic would be the first line of the paragraph. It should be followed by C-E where positive examples of feudalism are given. A-D conclude the paragraph by saying that a feudal prince is still responsible towards his subjects. Hence, the order is BCEAD. Hence, the fifth sentence is D.
5. Which is the SECOND sentence of the paragraph?
Ans: 3 We see a link between C and E. E states that Yonezawa made a similar declaration and the original declaration is given in C. Similarly, there is a link between A-D where A states that the feudal prince felt responsible towards his subjects and D elaborates why. The main point of the passage is that feudalism is not all bad. Sentence B which introduces the topic would be the first line of the paragraph. It should be followed by C-E where positive examples of feudalism are given. A-D conclude the paragraph by saying that a feudal prince is still responsible towards his subjects. Hence, the order is BCEAD. Hence, the second sentence is C.
Directions:(6-10) Rearrange the following five sentences/group of sentences (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions below them. A) A show may have a market of millions if they concentrate efforts in London only, but that number increased to tens of millions if efforts expand nationwide. B) What this means is that, in an era when nationwide travel is relatively hassle free and certainly faster, there is a far greater chance of filling theatres over a longer period of time. C) By placing tickets for sale online, citizens of Liverpool, Newcastle and even Edinburgh become part of their market. D) Accessibility is key from the perspective of both the theatre and the theatre goer. E) Theatres need to be able to reach out to the public to ensure that the widest possible market is tapped into.
6. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after the rearrangement?
Ans: 5 Statement D introduces the paragraph by talking about accessibility. It talks about the theatre perspective and theatre goer perspective. The next line must be regarding one of these two perspectives. Sentence E brings out the perspective of the thetre. So, E follows D. Statement E talks generally about the market and statement A elaborates it by giving specific details and numbers. So, A follows E. C-B is a pair because C talks about expanding the horizon into neighbouring cities through online sales and B states a conclusion from the information given in C. Hence, the order is D-E-A-C-B.
7. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after the rearrangement?
Ans: 2 Statement D introduces the paragraph by talking about accessibility. It talks about the theatre perspective and theatre goer perspective. The next line must be regarding one of these two perspectives. Sentence E brings out the perspective of the thetre. So, E follows D. Statement E talks generally about the market and statement A elaborates it by giving specific details and numbers. So, A follows E. C-B is a pair because C talks about expanding the horizon into neighbouring cities through online sales and B states a conclusion from the information given in C. Hence, the order is D-E-A-C-B.
8. Which of the following should be the FOURTH sentence after the rearrangement?
Ans: 3 Statement D introduces the paragraph by talking about accessibility. It talks about the theatre perspective and theatre goer perspective. The next line must be regarding one of these two perspectives. Sentence E brings out the perspective of the thetre. So, E follows D. Statement E talks generally about the market and statement A elaborates it by giving specific details and numbers. So, A follows E. C-B is a pair because C talks about expanding the horizon into neighbouring cities through online sales and B states a conclusion from the information given in C. Hence, the order is D-E-A-C-B.
9. Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after the rearrangement?
Ans: 4 Statement D introduces the paragraph by talking about accessibility. It talks about the theatre perspective and theatre goer perspective. The next line must be regarding one of these two perspectives. Sentence E brings out the perspective of the thetre. So, E follows D. Statement E talks generally about the market and statement A elaborates it by giving specific details and numbers. So, A follows E. C-B is a pair because C talks about expanding the horizon into neighbouring cities through online sales and B states a conclusion from the information given in C. Hence, the order is D-E-A-C-B.
10. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after the rearrangement?
Ans: 1 Statement D introduces the paragraph by talking about accessibility. It talks about the theatre perspective and theatre goer perspective. The next line must be regarding one of these two perspectives. Sentence E brings out the perspective of the thetre. So, E follows D. Statement E talks generally about the market and statement A elaborates it by giving specific details and numbers. So, A follows E. C-B is a pair because C talks about expanding the horizon into neighbouring cities through online sales and B states a conclusion from the information given in C. Hence, the order is D-E-A-C-B.