Para Jumbles For All Competitive Exams

Para Jumbles : Para Jumbles Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Para Jumbles Questions along with previous year Para Jumbles Questions.

Para Jumbles Topic is a very important topic of Verbal section. Para Jumbles are very easy to solve if one has good practice over it.
We are providing varieties of Para Jumbles Questions including Para Jumbles for CAT and Para Jumbles Questions for bank exams.

Directions:(1-5) The following sentences, when properly arranged, form a coherent paragraph. Answer the questions based on the rearranged paragraphs.

A. And now you see, mate, I’m pretty low, and deserted by all; and, Jim, you’ll bring me one noggin of rum, now, won’t you, matey?”
B. “Jim,” he said, “you’re the only one here that’s worth anything; and you know I’ve always been good to you.
C. About noon I stopped at the captain’s door with some cooling drinks and medicines.
D. He was lying very much as we had left him, only a little higher, and he seemed both weak and excited.
E. Never a month but I’ve given you a silver four penny for yourself.

1. What is the second sentence after rearrangement?


The opening sentence of the paragraph is C, it introduces the scene. This is followed by D, which describes the state of the captain. The next sentence is B, because it is the starting sentence of the dialogue of the captain. This is followed by E and A in that order. A is the last sentence in the paragraph. The correct order of sentences is CDBEA.

So, the second sentence is D.


2. What is the third sentence after rearrangement?


The opening sentence of the paragraph is C, it introduces the scene. This is followed by D, which describes the state of the captain. The next sentence is B, because it is the starting sentence of the dialogue of the captain. This is followed by E and A in that order. A is the last sentence in the paragraph. The correct order of sentences is CDBEA.

So, the third sentence is B.


3. What is the fourth sentence after rearrangement?


The opening sentence of the paragraph is C, it introduces the scene. This is followed by D, which describes the state of the captain. The next sentence is B, because it is the starting sentence of the dialogue of the captain. This is followed by E and A in that order. A is the last sentence in the paragraph. The correct order of sentences is CDBEA.

So, the fourth sentence is E.


4. What is the first sentence after rearrangement?


The opening sentence of the paragraph is C, it introduces the scene. This is followed by D, which describes the state of the captain. The next sentence is B, because it is the starting sentence of the dialogue of the captain. This is followed by E and A in that order. A is the last sentence in the paragraph. The correct order of sentences is CDBEA.

So, the first sentence is C.


5. What is the last sentence after rearrangement?

Ans: 1

The opening sentence of the paragraph is C, it introduces the scene. This is followed by D, which describes the state of the captain. The next sentence is B, because it is the starting sentence of the dialogue of the captain. This is followed by E and A in that order. A is the last sentence in the paragraph. The correct order of sentences is CDBEA.

So, the last sentence is A.


Directions:(6-10) Rearrange the given five sentences A,B,C,D and E into a proper and meaningful paragraph:
A)I hold no brief for them.
B)Thus, though my views on Ahimsa are a result of my study of most of the faiths of the world, they are now no longer dependent upon the authority of these works.
C)I do not know how far the charge of unmanliness can be made good against the Jains.
D)I have derived much religious benefit from Jain religious works as I have from scriptures of the other great faiths of the world.I owe much to the living company of the deceased philosopher, Rajachand Kavi, who was a Jain by birth.
E)By birth I am a Vaishnavite, and was taught Ahimsa in my childhood.

6. What is the first sentence of the paragraph after rearrangement?

Ans: 3
The passage starts with c where the author highlights some claims about Jains. C is followed by A as in A, “them” refers to “Jains”. A is followed by E. In E the author talks about himself. E is followed by D where the author continues about the decription of his teaching. Finally B is the conclusion.


7. What is the second sentence of the paragraph after rearrangement?

The passage starts with c where the author highlights some claims about Jains. C is followed by A as in A, “them” refers to “Jains”. A is followed by E. In E the author talks about himself. E is followed by D where the author continues about the decription of his teaching. Finally B is the conclusion.


8. What is the third sentence of the paragraph after rearrangement?

The passage starts with c where the author highlights some claims about Jains. C is followed by A as in A, “them” refers to “Jains”. A is followed by E. In E the author talks about himself. E is followed by D where the author continues about the decription of his teaching. Finally B is the conclusion.


9. What is the fourth sentence of the paragraph after rearrangement?

The passage starts with c where the author highlights some claims about Jains. C is followed by A as in A, “them” refers to “Jains”. A is followed by E. In E the author talks about himself. E is followed by D where the author continues about the decription of his teaching. Finally B is the conclusion.


10. What is the last sentence of the paragraph after rearrangement?

The passage starts with c where the author highlights some claims about Jains. C is followed by A as in A, “them” refers to “Jains”. A is followed by E. In E the author talks about himself. E is followed by D where the author continues about the decription of his teaching. Finally B is the conclusion.