Top 130 Pipe and cistern questions for Competitive Exams [ 100% FREE ]

Introducing an important aspect of the quantitative aptitude section: the Pipe and cistern questions. A common challenge candidates face in various competitive exams, be it banks, SSC, RRB, Insurance and more, is problems related to pipes and cisterns. In this comprehensive article, we delve deep into “Pipe and cistern questions“, ensuring you get the most effective preparation material.

For many, the term “Pipe and cistern questions” can seem daunting, but with the right approach and understanding of the “pipes and cisterns formula“, it becomes manageable. This is why we’re emphasizing on the crucial examples like “two pipes p and q together can fill a cistern” and “two pipes a and b can fill a cistern“. Both these examples will give you a clear perspective on how to approach these problems.

We also recognize the importance of language adaptability in preparation. Therefore, we have also incorporated “pipe and cistern questions in Hindi” and insights on “pipe and cistern in Hindi“. This ensures that you not only understand the crux of the “pipes and cisterns problems” but also can relate to them in a language you’re comfortable with.

Word problems, especially around the “pipes and cisterns formula“, have been a mainstay in competitive exams. While “two pipes p and q together can fill a cistern” or “two pipes a and b can fill a cistern” might seem similar, they can carry nuances that are essential for aspirants to grasp.

Pipes and Cisterns Formula :

Given below are aimportant formulas which shall help you solve the pipes and cistern based questions quicker and more efficiently:

  • If x hours are required to fill up a tank, then part filled in 1 hr =1/x
  • If y hours are required to empty the tank, then part emptied in 1 hour = 1/y
  • If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and can empty the same tank in y hours. When both the pipes are opened at the same time, then the net part of the tank filled in 1 hr = {(xy) / (y-x)}, provided y>x
  • If a pipe can fill a tank in x hours and can empty the same tank in y hours. When both the pipes are opened at the same time, then the net part of the tank filled in 1 hr = {(xy) / (x-y)}, provided x>y
  • Net work done = (Sum of work done by Inlets) – (Sum of work done by Outlets)
  • One inlet can fill the tank in x hr and the other inlet can fill the same tank in y hrs, if both the inlets are opened at the same time, the time taken to fill the whole tank = {(xy) / (y+x)}
  • If two pipes take x and y hours respectively to fill a tank of water and a third pipe is opened which takes z hours to empty the tank, then the time taken to fill the tank = {1 / (1/x)+(1/y)+(1/z)} and the net part of the tank filled in 1 hr = (1/x)+(1/y)-(1/z)

The syllabus for competitive exams is vast, as we all know. But every topic, including “Pipe and cistern questions“, holds its weight. Therefore, giving due time to understand and practice these “pipes and cisterns problems” is paramount. Especially when considering the intense competition and the challenge to crack these exams.

In conclusion, this article offers an in-depth understanding of “Pipe and cistern questions“, covering essential examples like “two pipes p and q together can fill a cistern” and “two pipes a and b can fill a cistern“, not forgetting the importance of language with “pipe and cistern questions in Hindi” and “pipe and cistern in Hindi“.

Whether you’re just starting out or brushing up your skills, this article is your guide to excel. So, gear up and dive into the world of “Pipe and cistern questions” and ace your upcoming Government sector exams!

Top 130 Pipe and cistern questions for Competitive Exams :

111. The ratio of the efficiency of pipes P, Q and R is 15:10:12 respectively and pipe Q can fill the tank in 0.6 hours. If Pipes P and Q opened together initially and after 12 minutes, pipes P and Q closed. Find the time taken by pipe R alone to fill the remaining tank?

पाइप P, Q और R की दक्षता का अनुपात क्रमशः 15:10:12 है और पाइप Q टंकी को 0.6 घंटे में भर सकता है। यदि पाइप P और Q शुरू में एक साथ खुलते हैं और 12 मिनट के बाद, पाइप P और Q बंद हो जाते हैं। शेष टंकी को भरने के लिए अकेले पाइप R द्वारा लिया गया समय ज्ञात कीजिए?

A. 9 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 12 minutes
D. 10 minutes
E. None of these

Option “B” is correct.

Pipes Q alone fill the tank = 0.6 * 60 = 36 minutes

Pipe P alone fill the tank = 36 * 10/15 = 24 minutes

Pipe R alone fill the tank = 36 * 10/12 = 30 minutes

Let the time taken by pipe R alone to fill the remaining tank = x

(1/24 + 1/36) * 12 + x/30 = 1

(15/360 + 10/360) * 12 + 12x/360 = 1

25 * 12 + 12x = 360

12x = 360 – 300

x = 60/12

x = 5

112. Two inlet pipes A and B and one outlet pipe C are connected to a tank. Pipes A, B and C together can fill a tank in 360/17 minutes and pipes B and C together can fill the tank in 180 minutes. If the ratio of A’s efficiency to C’s efficiency is 3: 2, then in what time A and C together can fill the tank?

दो इनलेट पाइप A और B और एक आउटलेट पाइप C एक टैंक से जुड़े हैं। एकसाथ पाइप A, B और C एक टैंक को 360/17 मिनट में भर सकते हैं और एकसाथ पाइप B और C टैंक को 180 मिनट में भर सकते हैं। यदि A की दक्षता से C की दक्षता का अनुपात 3:2 है, तो एकसाथ A और C कितने समय में टैंक को भर सकते हैं?

A. 90 minutes
B. 54 minutes
C. 60 minutes
D. 72 minutes
E. 48 minutes

Option “D” is correct.

From the question:

(1/A) + (1/B) – (1/C) = 17/360 —————(1)


(1/B) – (1/C) = 1/180 —————(1)

From equations (1) and (2):

(1/A) + (1/180) = 17/360

1/A = (17/360) – (1/180) = (17 – 2)/360 = 1/24

Time taken by pipe A alone to fill the tank = 24 minutes

Time taken by pipe C alone to empty the tank = 24 * (3/2) = 36 minutes

Part of tank filled by pipes A and C together in 1 minute:

(1/24) – (1/36) = 1/72

So, time taken by pipes A and C together to fill the tank = 72 minutes

113. Pipe P can fill half of the tank in 21 minutes and the efficiency of pipe Q is twice the efficiency of pipe P. If the ratio of the time taken by pipes Q to R can fill the tank in 3:2, then find the time taken by pipes P, Q and R together to fill the half of the tank.

पाइप P, टैंक का आधा भाग 21 मिनट में भर सकता है और पाइप Q की दक्षता पाइप P की दक्षता से दोगुनी है। यदि टैंक को भरने में पाइप Q से R द्वारा लिए गए समय का अनुपात 3:2 है, तो एकसाथ पाइप P, Q और R द्वारा टैंक के आधे हिस्से को भरने में लिया गया समय ज्ञात कीजिए।

A. 7.5 minutes
B. 4.5 minutes
C. 6.5 minutes
D. 3.5 minutes
E. None of these

Option “D” is correct.

The pipe P can fill the tank = 21 * 2 = 42 minutes

The pipe Q can fill the tank = 42 * 1/2 = 21 minutes

The pipe R can fill the tank = 21 * 2/3 = 14 minutes

The pipes P, Q and R together fill the whole tank = 1/42 + 1/21 + 1/14 = (2+4+6)/84 = 12/84

= 1/7

= 7 minutes

The pipes P, Q and R together fill the half of the tank = 7/2 = 3.5 minutes

114. The ratio of the efficiency of pipes P, Q and R are 2:3:1 respectively and pipe R alone can fill 87.5% of the tank in 42 minutes. Find the time taken by pipes P and Q together to fill half of the tank.

पाइप P, Q और R की दक्षता का अनुपात क्रमशः 2:3:1 है और पाइप R अकेले टैंक का 87.5% 42 मिनट में भर सकता है। पाइप P और Q द्वारा टैंक के आधे हिस्से को भरने में लिया गया समय ज्ञात कीजिए।

A. 2.4 minutes
B. 1.8 minutes
C. 4.8 minutes
D. 3.2 minutes
E. None of these

Option “C” is correct.

Pipe R alone fill the tank = 42 * 100/87.5 = 42 * 8/7 = 48 minutes

Pipe P alone fill the tank = 48 * 1/2 = 24 minutes

Pipe Q alone fill the tank = 48 * 1/3 = 16 minutes

Pipes P and Q together to fill half of the tank = (1/24 + 1/16) * 2 = (2/48 + 3/48) * 2 = 5/48 * 2 = 10/48 = 4.8 minutes

115. Pipe P can fill and pipe Q can empty a cistern in 9 hours and 15 hours respectively. When P and Q opened alternately and Pipe P opened initially, in how much time does the cistern gets filled?

पाइप P एक टैंक को 9 घंटे में भर सकता है और पाइप Q एक टैंक को 15 घंटे में खाली कर सकता है। जब P और Q बारी-बारी से खुलते हैं और पाइप P शुरू में खुलता है, तो टैंक कितने समय में भर जाएगा?

A. 31 4/5 hours
B. 41 4/5 hours
C. 51 4/5 hours
D. 34 4/5 hours
E. None of these

Option “B” is correct.

According to the question,

Pipe P can fill a cistern in 9 hours

Pipe Q can empty a cistern in 15 hours

The total capacity of the cistern = 45 units

Efficiency of pipe P = 5 units/ hour

Efficiency of pipe Q = 3 units/ hour

Thus, pipe P and pipe Q can fill 2 units in the first 2 hours


When opened alternately, in 42 (3/5) hours the cistern gets filled completely

Hence, the answer is option B

116. Pipes P, Q and R together can fill 80% of the tank in 20 minutes and the ratio of the efficiency of pipe P to pipe R is 2:1 and the efficiency of pipe Q is 50% more than that of pipe P. Find the time taken by pipes P and Q together to fill half of the tank?

एक साथ पाइप P, Q और R 20 मिनट में 80% टैंक भर सकते हैं और पाइप P से पाइप R की दक्षता का अनुपात 2:1 है और पाइप Q की दक्षता पाइप P की तुलना में 50% अधिक है। ज्ञात करें कि एकसाथ पाइप P और Q द्वारा टैंक का आधा भाग भरने में कितना समय लगता है?

A. 30 minutes
B. 15 minutes
C. 20 minutes
D. 45 minutes
E. None of these

Option “B” is correct.

Pipes P, Q and R together to fill the whole tank = 20 * 100/80 = 25 minutes

The ratio of the efficiency of pipes P, Q and R = 2:(2 * 150/100):1 = 2:3:1

The ratio of the time taken by pipes P, Q and R alone to fill the tank = (1/2):(1/3):(1/1) = 3:2:6

1/3x + 1/2x + 1/6x = 1/25

2/6x + 3/6x + 1/6x = 1/25

6x = 6 * 25

x = 25

Pipe P alone fill the tank = 3 * 25 = 75 minutes

Pipe Q alone fill the tank = 2 * 25 = 50 minutes

Pipes P and Q together to fill half of the tank = (1/75 + 1/50) * 2 = (2/150 + 3/150) * 2 = 5/150 * 2 = 10/150 = 1/15 = 15 minutes

117. Pipe A and B together can fill a tank in 24 minutes and when Pipe C which is an outlet pipe is also opened, they all can fill the tank in 120 minutes. Ratio of efficiency of Pipe B to Pipe C is 3:4. Find the time taken by Pipe A alone to fill the tank?

एकसाथ पाइप A और B एक टैंक को 24 मिनट में भर सकते हैं और जब पाइप C जो कि एक आउटलेट पाइप है, को भी खोला जाता है, तो वे सभी टैंक को 120 मिनट में भर सकते हैं। पाइप B से पाइप C की दक्षता का अनुपात 3:4 है। अकेले पाइप A द्वारा टैंक को भरने में लिया गया समय ज्ञात कीजिए?

A. 45 minutes
B. 30 minutes
C. 40 minutes
D. 60 minutes
E. None of these

Option “D” is correct.

1/A + 1/B – 1/C = 1/120

1/24 – 1/120 = 1/C

(5 – 1)/120 = 1/C

1/C = 4/120 = 1/30 = 30 minutes

Time taken by Pipe B alone to fill the tank = 30 * 4/3 = 40 minutes

1/A = 1/24 – 1/40 = (5 – 3)/120 = 1/60 = 60 minutes

118. Pipe A alone can fill a tank in 12 minutes, pipes A and B together can fill the tank in 9 minutes and pipes A and C together can fill the tank in 7.5 minutes. If B and C are opened together initially, then after how many minutes should C be closed, so that the total taken to fill the tank is 18 minutes?

अकेला पाइप A एक टैंक को 12 मिनट में भर सकता है, एकसाथ पाइप A और B टैंक को 9 मिनट में भर सकते हैं और एकसाथ पाइप A और C टैंक को 7.5 मिनट में भर सकते हैं। यदि प्रारंभ में B और C को एक साथ खोला जाता है, तो C को कितने मिनट के बाद बंद कर देना चाहिए, ताकि टैंक को भरने में कुल 18 मिनट लगे?

A. 10 minutes
B. 12 minutes
C. 8 minutes
D. 15 minutes
E. 9 minutes

Option “A” is correct.

(1/9) – (1/12) = (4 – 3)/36 = 1/36

So, time taken by pipe B alone to fill the tank = 36 minutes

(1/7.5) – (1/12) = (8 – 5)/60 = 1/20

So, time taken by pipe C alone to fill the tank = 20 minutes

Let total capacity of the tank = LCM of 36 and 20 = 180 unit

So, part of tank filled by pipe B alone in 1 minute = 180/36 = 5 units

And part of tank filled by pipe C alone in 1 minute = 180/20 = 9 units

Let pipe C is closed after   ‘t’ minutes.


(5 + 9) * t + 5 * (18 – t) = 180

14t + 90 – 5t = 180

t = 10 minutes

119. Pipe A alone and pipe B alone can fill a tank in 12 mins and 18 mins respectively. Pipe A and B together started to fill the tank and after 5 minutes pipe B was closed. What is the time taken by pipe A to fill the remaining tank? (inmins)

अकेला पाइप A और अकेला पाइप B एक टैंक को क्रमशः 12 मिनट और 18 मिनट में भर सकते हैं। एकसाथ पाइप A और B ने टैंक को भरना शुरू किया और 5 मिनट के बाद पाइप B को बंद कर दिया गया। पाइप A द्वारा शेष टैंक को भरने में कितना समय लगता है? (मिनटों में)

A. 3 1/3 mins
B. 3 3/4 mins
C. 2 2/3 mins
D. 3 2/3 mins
E. 5 1/2 mins

Option “D” is correct.

Let the capacity of tank = 36 units (LCM of 12 and 18)

Efficiency of Pipe A = 3 units/min

Efficiency of Pipe B = 2 units/min

Tank filled in 5 mins = 5 x (3 + 2) = 25 units

Time taken by A to fill the remaining tank = (36 – 25)/3 = 3 (2/3) mins



In the ever-challenging world of competitive exams, mastering every topic is crucial. Among the myriad of topics that candidates often grapple with, Pipe and cistern questions stand out.

They form a significant portion of the quantitative aptitude section, reflecting the importance of understanding the workings of pipes, cisterns, and the associated problems. This journey into the realm of Pipe and cistern questions has equipped you with the knowledge and insights to face any related question with confidence.

To reiterate, the pipes and cisterns formula is an indispensable tool in this domain. This formula acts as a guiding light, leading you to the correct answers when faced with tricky problems.

Through this article, we strived to present this formula in a simplified manner to ensure that you grasp its essence and its application in various situations. Especially when you come across scenarios like when two pipes p and q together can fill a cistern or when two pipes a and b can fill a cistern. These are classic examples, and understanding their underlying principles can set you apart from other aspirants.

Another dimension that we emphasized on is language adaptability. We live in a diverse nation with multiple languages, and hence, understanding pipe and cistern questions in Hindi and the concept of pipe and cistern in Hindi is of paramount importance. This inclusion ensures that a wider audience can benefit and relate to the pipes and cisterns problems in a language they’re comfortable with. It bridges the language gap and ensures everyone has an equal shot at mastering the topic.

Speaking of pipes and cisterns problems, they’re more than just mathematical equations. They test your analytical skills, patience, and perseverance. The oft-repeated scenarios, such as two pipes p and q together can fill a cistern and two pipes a and b can fill a cistern, may seem similar at first glance. However, they can vary in their nuances, testing your attention to detail. The key lies in practice, understanding, and application of the pipes and cisterns formula.

Competitive exams are a tough nut to crack. The vast syllabus, the fierce competition, and the pressure to excel can often be overwhelming. However, with the right resources, guidance, and determination, success is within reach. This article aimed to be one such resource for the Pipe and cistern questions.

By delving deep into each aspect, from the pipes and cisterns formula to specific scenarios like two pipes p and q together can fill a cistern and two pipes a and b can fill a cistern, we hope to have provided a holistic understanding.

In conclusion, the journey of mastering Pipe and cistern questions is filled with challenges and revelations. But with the right approach, tools like the pipes and cisterns formula, and a keen understanding of problems such as two pipes p and q together can fill a cistern and two pipes a and b can fill a cistern, success is not far.

Add to that the advantage of accessing pipe and cistern questions in Hindi and understanding pipe and cistern in Hindi, and you’re all set for a comprehensive preparation. Remember, every topic, every formula, and every question is a stepping stone to your dream of cracking the competitive exams. Embrace them, understand them, and let them guide you to success.