Top 230 Profit and Loss Questions for Competitive Exams [100%

Navigating the world of profit and loss can sometimes feel like deciphering a maze. At the core of this maze are profit and loss questions that not only test our aptitude but also have real-world applications. Have you ever wondered about these profit and loss questions in Hindi? Or perhaps sought profit and loss aptitude questions to boost your reasoning skills? You’re not alone. Every year, numerous students and professionals alike search for profit and loss questions and answers to better understand this pivotal concept.

To cater to the diverse needs of learners, resources such as profit and loss questions and answers PDF, profit and loss questions with solutions, and even profit and loss questions in Hindi PDF have emerged. These resources offer a comprehensive look into the realm of profit and loss, ensuring you’re equipped with the necessary tools to tackle any challenge.

Profit and loss questions are pivotal in understanding how the mechanics of business operate. Let’s break it down: If you sell a product for more than its original purchase price, you make a profit. On the contrary, if you sell it for less than what you spent on it, you incur a loss. Now, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have all your profit and loss questions in Hindi or in any other language you prefer? This is precisely where profit and loss aptitude questions come in handy, assisting learners in grasping these fundamental concepts.

For those in search of comprehensive materials, profit and loss questions and answers, as well as profit and loss questions and answers PDF, serve as invaluable resources. Not only do they provide clarity, but they also allow learners to practice and hone their skills. Moreover, for native Hindi speakers, the availability of profit and loss questions in Hindi and profit and loss questions in Hindi PDF can be an added advantage, making the learning process more relatable and easier to comprehend.

Moreover, as a bonus for our readers, here are some key formulas that come in handy when tackling profit and loss questions:

  1. Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price
  2. Loss = Cost Price – Selling Price
  3. Profit % = (Profit / Cost Price) × 100%
  4. Loss% = (Loss / Cost Price) × 100%
  5. Selling Price = [(100 + Profit%)/100] × Cost Price
  6. Cost Price = [100/(100 + Profit%)] × Selling Price
  7. Selling Price = [(100 – Loss%)/100] × Cost Price
  8. Cost Price = [100/(100 – Loss%)] × Selling Price
  9. Discount = Marked Price – Selling Price

In conclusion, whether you’re diving deep into profit and loss questions with solutions, looking for profit and loss aptitude questions, or even if your focus is primarily on profit and loss questions in Hindi or profit and loss questions in Hindi PDF, this guide aims to be your trusted companion on this journey.

Top 230 Profit and Loss Questions

71. An article is sold for Rs. 2070 at a 15% profit. If the article is sold for Rs. 1890, then what will be the gain/loss percent?

एक वस्तु को 15% लाभ पर 2070 रुपए में बेचा गया। यदि वस्तु को 1890 रुपए में बेचा गया, तो लाभ/हानि प्रतिशत क्या होगा?

Option”A” is correct

Cost price = (2070/115) × 100 = Rs. 1800

⇒ Profit = selling price – cost price = 1890 – 1800 = Rs. 90

⇒ Profit % = [Profit/Cost price] × 100 = [90/1800] × 100 = 5%

∴ Required profit percentage is 5%.

72.A and B bought two goods for Rs. 6000 and Rs. 4000 respectively. The selling price of B’s goods was 25% more than its cost price whereas the selling price of A’s goods was x% more than its cost price. If the selling price of A’s goods was Rs. 2500 more than the selling price of B’s goods, then find the ratio between selling price of A’s goods and cost price of B’s goods?

A और B ने दो वस्तुएं क्रमशः 6000 रु. और 4000 रु. में खरीदे। B के वस्तुओं का विक्रय मूल्य उसके क्रय मूल्य से 25% अधिक था, जबकि A के वस्तुओं का विक्रय मूल्य उसके क्रय मूल्य से x% अधिक था यदि A के वस्तुओं का विक्रय मूल्य, B के वस्तुओं का विक्रय मूल्य से 2500 रु. अधिक था, तो A के वस्तुओं के विक्रय मूल्य और B के वस्तुओं के क्रय मूल्य के बीच अनुपात ज्ञात कीजिए |

Option”C” is correct

Short Trick:

According to the question,

Selling price of A’s goods = 2500 + 1.25 × 4000 = Rs 7500

∴ Required ratio = 7500 ∶ 4000 = 15 ∶ 8

Detailed Solution:

Cost price of A’s goods = Rs 6000

∴ Selling price of A’s goods = Rs 6000(1 + x/100)

Cost price of B’s goods = Rs 4000

∴ Selling price of B’s goods = Rs 4000(1 + 25/100) = Rs 5000

According to the question,

⇒ 6000(1 + x/100) – 5000 = 2500

⇒ 6000 + 60x = 1500

⇒ 60x = 1500

⇒ x = 25

⇒ Selling price of A’s goods = 6000(1 + 25/100) = Rs 7500

∴ Required ratio = 7500 ∶ 4000 = 75 ∶ 40 = 15 ∶ 8

73. By selling of (x + 8) strawberry, a vendor loses the selling price of (x – 8) strawberry. If the loss percentage is 10%, what is the value of x?

(X + 8) स्ट्रॉबेरी को बेचने पर, एक विक्रेता को (x – 8) स्ट्रॉबेरी के विक्रय मूल्य की हानिं होती है। यदि हानि प्रतिशत 10% है, तो x का मान क्या है?

Option”C” is correct

Let the Selling Price of 1 strawberry = ₹ 1

∴ Selling Price (x + 8) strawberry = ₹(x + 8)

We know that, Cost price = Selling price + loss

Cost Price = (x + 8) + (x – 8) = 2x

∴ Percentage loss = loss/CP × 100

⇒ 10 = [2x – (x + 8)]/2x × 100

⇒ 1 = [x – 8]/2x × 10

⇒ 2x = 10x – 80

⇒ 10x – 2x = 80

⇒ 8x = 80

⇒ x = 10

∴ The value of x is 10

74.Pratyay bought a set of cups for 195, but then had to sell it later to clear old stocks for 171.6 What is the loss percentage?

प्रत्यय ने 195 में कप का एक सेट खरीदा, लेकिन बाद में इसे 171.6 में पुराने स्टॉक को हटाने के लिए बेच दिया। हानि प्रतिशत क्या है?

Option”A” is correct

Cost price = 195

Selling Price = 171.6

∴ Loss = (195 – 171.6) = 23.4

∴ loss percentage = 23.4/195 × 100% = 12%

75. By selling a bicycle for Rs. 4800 instead of Rs. 5500, loss percent increases by (350/11)%. The cost price of bicycle is?

5500 रुपये की जगह 4800 रुपये में साइकिल बेचने पर, हानि प्रतिशत (350/11)% बढ़ जाता है। साइकिल का क्रय मूल्य क्या है?

Option”A” is correct

Let the cost price of bicycle be Rs. x


[(5500 – 4800)/x × 100] = 350/11

⇒ 70000/x = 350/11

⇒ x = Rs. 2200

Cost price of Bicycle = Rs. 2200

Hence, option 1) is correct.

76. Find the ratio in single equivalent of two successive increases to that of two successive decreases of 10%:

10% की दो क्रमिक वृद्धि और दो क्रमिक कमी के एकल समतुल्य मान का अनुपात क्या है?

Option”B” is correct

Let the number be 100x, then

The number after two increases of 10% each = 100x × (110/100) × (110/100) = 121x

The number increases by = 121x – 100x = 21x

The number after two decreases of 10% each = 100x × (90/100) × (90/100) = 81x

The number decrease by = 100x – 81x = 19x

∴ Required ratio = 21x : 19x = 21 : 19

77. If selling price of an article is Rs. 432 and profit is 35%, then what will be the cost price of the article?

यदि एक वस्तु का विक्रय मूल्य 432 रुपये है और लाभ 35% है, तो वस्तु का क्रय मूल्य क्या होगा?

Option”B” is correct

Such questions can be solve easily by assuming Cost price 100x.

Hence, profit = 35x and selling price = 135x

According to question, 

135x = 432

⇒ x = 432/135

∴ Cost price = 100x = (432/135) × 100 = 320

78. Ram sold goods to Rahim at 20% profit and Rahim further sell it at 25% profit to Ronak. If raunak purchased it at Rs. 4500 then find the cost price for Ram.

राम ने रहीम को 20% लाभ पर कोई सामान बेचा और रहीम ने इसे रौनक को 25% लाभ पर बेच दिया।अगर रौनक ने इसे 4500 रुपये में खरीदा तो राम के लिए क्रय मूल्य ज्ञात कीजिए। 

Option”C” is correct

Let Ram cost price = 100

Ram profit percentage = 20%

= 20% × 100 ⇒ 20

Ram’s selling price = 100 + 20 ⇒ 120

∴ Cost price for Rahim = Ram’s selling price ⇒ 120

Rahim Profit percentage = 25%

= 120 × 25%

= 120 × 1/4 ⇒ 30

Rahim’s selling price = 120 + 30 ⇒ 150

∵ Cost price for Ronak = Rahim’s selling price ⇒ 150 = 4500

∴ Cost price for Ram = 4500 × 100/150 = Rs. 3000

79. If a shirt was sold after two successive discounts of 10% each and difference between marked prices and selling prices of the shirt is Rs 38, then find the marked price of the article.

यदि एक शर्ट को 10% की दो क्रमिक छूट के बाद बेचा गया था और अंकित मूल्यों और विक्रय मूल्यों के बीच अंतर 38 रुपये है, तो वस्तु का अंकित मूल्य ज्ञात कीजिए।

Option”B” is correct

Let MP of the shirt be 100x

SP of the article = 100x × [90/100] × [90/100] = 81x

According to the question

100x – 81x = 38

⇒ 19x = 38

⇒ x = 38/19

⇒ x = 2

∴ Marked price of the article = 100 × 2 = Rs. 200

80. A miner sells a diamond to a trader at a profit of 40% and the trader sells it to a customer at a profit of 25%. If the customer pays Rs. 56 lakhs to buy the diamond, what had it cost the miner (in Rs lakhs)?

एक खनिक एक व्यापारी को 40% के लाभ पर एक हीरा बेचता है और व्यापारी इसे 25% के लाभ पर एक ग्राहक को बेचता है। यदि ग्राहक हीरे को खरीदने के लिए 56 लाख रुपये का भुगतान करता है, तो इसकी कीमत क्या थी?

Option”D” is correct

Let the cost price of the miner be ‘x’

According to questions,

x × (1 + 40/100) × (1 + 25/100) = 56

⇒ x = 32

∴ Cost price of the miner = Rs. 32 lakhs