In today’s competitive era, “Reading Comprehension for Bank exams” is a focal point for many aspirants. Time and again, Reading Comprehension for Bank exams has proven to be a key section in the tests. Not only does it feature prominently in bank tests, but the essence of reading comprehension can also be found in other competitive exams, especially ones like CAT. But, what is reading comprehension? And more importantly, what is the reading comprehension meaning? The simple answer is that reading comprehension is the ability to understand, grasp, and interpret a given text, whether it’s presented in English or translated, such as the reading comprehension meaning in Hindi.
Reading comprehension is not just about understanding the text, but also about deducing and drawing conclusions. This is why reading comprehension for CAT and reading comprehension passages with questions and answers are so crucial for candidates. They not only help in understanding the text but also in answering the questions that follow with precision and accuracy. When we discuss the reading comprehension meaning, we refer to this very essence – the skill to decipher a text’s message and the ability to answer related questions correctly.
Now, as we move further, let’s talk about why “Reading Comprehension for Bank exams” is pivotal. Comprehension passages, as we’ve learned, are sure-shot scoring areas in competitive examinations. Candidates who excel in reading comprehension for Bank exams stand a better chance at scoring well. What’s more, the reading comprehension meaning in Hindi can be beneficial for those who are more comfortable with the Hindi language.
“Reading Comprehension for Bank exams” is a comprehensive section in numerous tests, including SSC, RRB, and Insurance exams. Thus, if you are an aspirant, knowing what is reading comprehension and practicing reading comprehension passages with questions and answers can significantly impact your overall performance. Through regular practice, one can master the art of reading comprehension for Bank exams and other competitive tests. With a plethora of resources, including reading comprehension for CAT and reading comprehension meaning in Hindi, there’s no reason you shouldn’t ace this section.
Reading Comprehension meaning in Hindi : समझबूझ कर पढ़ना
Here, in our article, we present a passage followed by a set of questions. These are designed to help you improve your skills for “Reading Comprehension for Bank exams” and ensure you gain a deeper understanding of reading comprehension meaning. So, roll up your sleeves, dive deep into the world of reading comprehension, and ensure that you are well-prepared for your upcoming tests!
Top 300 Reading Comprehension for Bank exams:
Directions:(1-10) Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
In shape Egypt is like a lily with a crooked stem. A broad blossom terminates it at its upper end; a button of a bud projects from the stalk a little below the blossom, on the left-hand side. The broad blossom is the Delta, extending from Aboosir to Tineh, a direct distance of a hundred and eighty miles, which the projection of the coast—the graceful swell of the petals—enlarges to two hundred and thirty. The bud is the Fayoum, a natural depression in the hills that shut in the Nile valley on the west, which has been rendered cultivable for many thousands of years by the introduction into it of the Nile water, through a canal known as the “Bahr Yousouf.” The long stalk of the lily is the Nile valley itself, which is a ravine scooped in the rocky soil for seven hundred miles from the First Cataract to the apex of the Delta, sometimes not more than a mile broad, never more than eight or ten miles. No other country in the world is so strangely shaped, so long compared to its width, so straggling, so hard to govern from a single centre.
At the first glance, the country seems to divide itself into two strongly contrasted regions; and this was the original impression which it made upon its inhabitants. The natives from a very early time designated their land as “the two lands,” and represented it by a hieroglyph in which the form used to express “land” was doubled. The kings were called “chiefs of the Two Lands,” and wore two crowns, as being kings of two countries. The Hebrews caught up the idea, and though they sometimes called Egypt “Mazor” in the singular number, preferred commonly to designate it by the dual form “Mizraim,” which means “the two Mazors.” These “two Mazors,” “two Egypts,” or “two lands,” were, of course, the blossom and the stalk, the broad tract upon the Mediterranean known as “Lower Egypt,” or “the Delta,” and the long narrow valley that lies, like a green snake, to the south, which bears the name of “Upper Egypt,” or “the Said.” Nothing is more striking than the contrast between these two regions. Entering Egypt from the Mediterranean, or from Asia by the caravan route, the traveler sees stretching before him an apparently boundless plain, wholly unbroken by natural elevations, generally green with crops or with marshy plants, and canopied by a cloudless sky, which rests everywhere on a distant flat horizon. An absolute monotony surrounds him. No alternation of plain and highland, meadow and forest, no slopes of hills, or hanging woods, or dells, or gorges, or cascades, or rushing streams, or babbling rills, meet his gaze on any side; look which way he will, all is sameness, one vast smooth expanse of rich alluvial soil, varying only in being cultivated or else allowed to lie waste. Turning his back with something of weariness on the dull uniformity of this featureless plain, the wayfarer proceeds southwards, and enters, at the distance of a hundred miles from the coast, on an entirely new scene. Instead of an illimitable prospect meeting him on every side, he finds himself in a comparatively narrow vale, up and down which the eye still commands an extensive view, but where the prospect on either side is blocked at the distance of a few miles by rocky ranges of hills, white or yellow or tawny, sometimes drawing so near as to threaten an obstruction of the river course, sometimes receding so far as to leave some miles of cultivable soil on either side of the stream. The rocky ranges, as he approaches them, have a stern and forbidding aspect. They rise for the most part, abruptly in bare grandeur; on their craggy sides grows neither moss nor heather; no trees clothe their steep heights. They seem intended, like the mountains that enclosed the abode of Rasselas, to keep in the inhabitants of the vale within their narrow limits, and bar them out from any commerce or acquaintance with the regions beyond.
Such is the twofold division of the country which impresses the observer strongly at the first. On a longer sojourn and a more intimate familiarity, the twofold division gives place to one which is threefold. The lower differs from the upper valley, it is a sort of debatable region, half plain, half vale; the cultivable surface spreads itself out more widely, the enclosing hills recede into the distance; above all, to the middle tract belongs the open space of the Fayoum nearly fifty miles across in its greatest diameter, and containing an area of four hundred square miles. Hence, with some of the occupants of Egypt a triple division has been preferred to a twofold one, the Greeks interposing the “Heptanomis” between the The bais and the Delta, and the Arabs the “Vostani” between the Said and the Bahari, or “country of the sea.”
1. The long stalk of the Lily is compared to which part of the country in the passage?
2. Which of the following can most likely be the author’s profession?
3. Some of the occupants of Egypt prefer triple division to two-fold one because of which debatable region?
4. Which of the following part is referred to as Upper Egypt?
5. If a traveler enters Egypt through caravan route, which of the following scenes he/ she could encounter?
6. The broad blossom part extends through a distance of?
7. Which of the following is most opposite in meaning to the word “Crooked” as used in the passage?
8. Which of the following is opposite in meaning to the word “monotony” as used in the passage?
9. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word “forbid” as used in the passage?
10. Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word “grandeur” as used in the passage?