Master 1000+ Reasoning Puzzle Questions and Seating Arrangement Questions [100% Free and Effective!]

Navigating the world of competitive exams, like Bank, SSC, and MBA tests, requires students to learn some very important topics. Among them, “Reasoning Puzzle Questions” and “Seating Arrangement Questions” are two big ones. These questions help test-takers prove their thinking skills in the exams and also improve their general logical abilities.

So, what are “Reasoning Puzzle Questions“? These questions make students think hard and use the given clues to find answers. They challenge the students to connect different pieces of information in a logical way, helping improve their thinking skills.

Now, let’s talk about “Seating Arrangement Questions“. These questions test how well a person can picture and set up information in their mind. They need a lot of focus, patience, and understanding of tricky instructions. They’re key for knowing if a student is good at problem-solving.

Interestingly, many tests mix “puzzle and seating arrangement” together. When we see “puzzles & seating arrangement” in a question, it means students need to use both skills to find the answer. This mix of “puzzle seating arrangement” shows how important these topics are.

There are also other materials like “puzzle questions reasoning” that give more details about the different puzzle types. Some students, while studying these reasoning topics, also look at resources from other subjects, like “puzzle and seating arrangement”, to strengthen their overall skills.

To wrap it up, “Reasoning Puzzle Questions” and “Seating Arrangement Questions” are more than just exam topics. They are crucial skills needed in many job fields. So, learning the details of “puzzle and seating arrangement” is not only for passing exams but also for future career success. Study hard, practice a lot, and use these topics to shine in the world of competitive exams!

Hotel Radisson is arranging a meeting for Asian diplomats. The meeting table is a straight row facing the North. Diplomats from the following countries have attended the meeting – Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, India, China, Japan and Sri Lanka. The following conditions have to be met by the management team before finalising the seating positions:

1) The Indian diplomat doesn’t want a seat next to the Pakistani but the Chinese diplomat would attend the meeting only if he gets to sit next to the Pakistani diplomat.
2) The Japanese diplomat wants the centre (middle) seat in the row.
3) There are exactly three people between the Bhutanese and the Pakistani.
4) Nepal is to the West of Bhutan. So, for a change, the Nepali diplomat wants to sit in one of the seats that is to the East of the Bhutanese diplomat.
5) There are five people between the Sri Lankan and the Chinese diplomats.

The management at the hotel meets all these conditions and finalises a seating arrangement for the group.

1. In the finalized seating arrangement, who sits to the immediate left of the Nepali diplomat?


2. How many diplomats are sitting between the Indian and the Bhutanese diplomats?


3. How many diplomats are sitting between the Indian and the Bhutanese diplomats?


4. Four of the following five options are alike in a certain way based on the positions of the diplomats in the row, and hence form a group. Which of the options doesn’t belong to that group?


5. If the diplomats are instead made to sit in the alphabetical order of their country names without following any of the conditions, in which position compared to the current position would the Indian diplomat sit?


On a rectangular table, eight people were to be seated with 4 people along the length and other 4 people on the opposite side. These 8 people are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.
A)F is sitting diagonally opposite to H such that there is no person to the right of F or H.
B)D is sitting opposite to B.
C)E is sitting to the immediate left of D and E is not sitting at one of the extreme ends.
D)G is sitting to the immediate left of E and A is sitting opposite to E.

6. Who is sitting opposite to F?


7. Who is sitting opposite to A?


8. Who is sitting to the immediate left of A?


9. Who is sitting opposite to G?


10. Who is sitting diagonally opposite to G?
