Dear Aspirants,
We are providing the most important Indian Geography Previous year Questions for RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019, SSC 2019 and all other competitive exams. These questions have very high chances to be asked in RRB NTPC 2019, RRB Group D 2019.
Set-6 Indian Geography Previous Year Questions
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1.49th Parallel is the boundary line between which two countries?
1. USA and Canada
2. North and South Vietnam
3. Germany and France
4. Brazil and Chile
2.How does La-Nina affect the Pacific Ocean?
1. Decreases salinity of ocean
2. Cools downs the temperature of water
3. Maintains stable temperature of water
4. Increases salinity of ocean
3.Which of the following country is not a member of SAARC?
1. Nepal
2. Maldives
3. China
4. Afghanistan
4.Himalayan mountain range falls under which type of mountains?
1. Block Mountain
2. Residual Mountain
3. Accumulated Mountain
4. Fold Mountain
5.’Norwesters’ are thunder storms which are prominent in _____.
1. India and Bhutan
2. Bhutan and Nepal
3. India and Bangladesh
4. Bangladesh and Myanmar
6.The boundary between Earth’s crust and mantle is _____.
1. Moho discontinuity
2. Lehman discontinuity
3. Conrad discontinuity
4. Gutenberg discontinuity
7.Doldrums pressure belts lies in between which of the following latitudes?
1. 5 degree N to 5 degree S
2. 35 degree to 60 degree N and S
3. 25 degree to 35 degree N and S
4. 35 degree to 45degree N and S
8.What is full form of BOD?
1. Biological Oxygen Deficit
2. Biological Oxygen Difference
3. Biological Oxygen Demand
4. Biological Oxygen Distribution
9.Which of the following planet is also known as ‘Earth’s twin’?
1. Mercury
2. Venus
3. Jupiter
4. Saturn
10.Which type of forest is most widespread in India?
1. Tropical Evergreen Forests
2. Tropical Deciduous Forests
3. Montane Forests
4. Mangrove Forests
11.The part of the Himalayas lying between Satluj and Kali rivers is known as ____________.
1. Punjab Himalaya
2. Nepal Himalayas
3. Kumaon Himalayas
4. Assam Himalayas
12.Which railway station is used for immigration and customs of passengers who travel on the Thar Express between Pakistan and India?
1. Jalal Marri
2. Zero Point
3. Lal Pir
4. Gujar Garhi
13.Which one of the following is a temperate desert?
1. Arabian desert
2. Atacama desert
3. Kalahari desert
4. Patagonian desert
14.The deepest lake of the world is
1. Baikal
2. Crater
3. Nyasa
4. Tanganyika
15.Which one of the following is an example of a block mountain?
1. Aravalli
2. Andes
3. Vosges Mountain
4. Caucasus
16.The biggest island of the Indian Ocean is
1. Maldives
2. Madagascar
3. Lakshadweep
4. Sumatra
17.Which one of the following ocean currents is different from others?
1. Gulf stream
2. Kuroshivo
3. North Atlantic Drift
4. Labrador
18.Where is the Blind valley found?
1. River valley region
2. Arid region
3. Karst region
4. Glacier region
19.During volcanic eruption deposition of lava in anticlines and synclines of folded mountains
accounts for formation of
1. Phacolith
2. Lopolith
3. Batholith
4. Lacolith
20.Which one of the following is a warm ocean current?
1. East Australian current
2. West Australian current
3. Benguela current
4. Peru current