Synonyms Meaning in Hindi : Top Synonyms Questions

Synonyms Meaning in Hindi : Synonyms Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like  SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL,  and other state government exams.
On this page, we are providing all varieties of Synonyms Questions along with previous year Synonyms Questions.

Synonyms Questions is a very important topic for Verbal section. Synonyms Questions has got very high weightage , so Synonyms Questions is on of the most High Scoring Section of Verbal.
We have also provided all different varieties of Synonyms Questions.


Option “C” is correct.

Fool :a person who acts unwisely or imprudently, a silly person.
Unhappy :not happy.
Disappointment :sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one’s hopes or expectations.
Hardworking :tending to work with energy and commitment, diligent.
Diligent :having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.

Synonym of Diligent is Hardworking.


Option “B” is correct.

Lovable :inspiring or deserving love or affection.
Vague :of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
Assurance :a positive declaration intended to give confidence, a promise.
Important :of great significance or value.
Predominant :present as the strongest or main element, important

Synonym of Predominant is Important.

123. UTILITY :

Option “B” is correct.

Benefit :an advantage or profit gained from something.
Profitability : yielding profit or financial gain.
Advantage :a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior position.
Usefulness :the quality or fact of being useful.
Utility :the state of being useful.

Synonym of Utility is Usefulness.


Option “A” is correct.

Similarity : the state or fact of being similar.
Contrast :abnormality, oddity, dissimilarity, disproportion, irregularity.
Cruelty :cruel behaviour or attitudes.
Kindness :the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.
Compassion :sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.

Synonym of Compassion is Kindness.


Option “B” is correct.

Craftiness :clever at achieving one’s aims by indirect or deceitful methods.
Idleness :laziness, indolence.
Craving :a powerful desire for something.
Satisfaction :fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.
Contentment :a state of happiness and satisfaction.

Synonym of Contentment is Satisfaction.


Option “D” is correct.

Choice :an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
Charge :demand (an amount) as a price from someone for a service rendered or goods supplied.
Distribution :the action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.
Heated dispute :wrangling, altercation, squabble, contention, controversy.
Altercation :a noisy argument or disagreement, especially in public.

Synonym of Altercation is Heated dispute.

127.SEE :

Option “B” is correct.

Talk :speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings, converse or communicate by spoken words.
Stand : have or maintain an upright position, supported by one’s feet.
Look :direct one’s gaze in a specified direction.
Observe :notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
See :perceive with the eyes, discern visually.

Synonym of See is Observe.


Option “D” is correct.

Prepared :make (something) ready for use or consideration.
Settled :resolve or reach an agreement about.
Started :begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space, come into being.
Manufactured :Manufactured.
Established :having existed or done something for a long time and therefore recognized and generally accepted.
Installed :place or fix (equipment or machinery) in position ready for use.

Synonym of Installed is Established.

129. CONTAIN :

Option “C” is correct.

Prevent :keep (something) from happening.
Limita point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass.
Express :convey (a thought or feeling) in words or by gestures and conduct.
Control :the power to influence or direct people’s behaviour or the course of events.
Hold :grasp, carry, or support with one’s arms or hands.
Contain :have or hold (someone or something) within.

Synonym of Contain is Hold


Option “B” is correct.

Suddenly :quickly and unexpectedly.
Quickly :at a fast speed, rapidly.
Abruptly :sudden and unexpected.
Initially :at first.
Ultimately :finally, in the end.
Eventually :in the end, especially after a long delay, dispute, or series of problems.

Synonym of Eventually is Ultimately.