Synonyms Meaning in Hindi : Top Synonyms Questions
Synonyms Meaning in Hindi : Synonyms Questions are usually asked in all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, and other state government exams. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Synonyms Questions along with previous year Synonyms Questions. Synonyms Questions is a very important topic for Verbal section. Synonyms Questions has got very high weightage , so Synonyms Questions is on of the most High Scoring Section of Verbal. We have also provided all different varieties of Synonyms Questions.
31. Whatever opinion he give is sane.
Option “A” is correct. rational : based on or in accordance with reason or logic. obscure : not discovered or known about; uncertain. wild : (of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated. arrogant : having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities. sane : reasonable or sensible.
Synonym of sane is rational
32. The recent acts of vandalism in the country cannot be ignored.
Option “D” is correct. disturbance : the interruption of a settled and peaceful condition. ravage : cause severe and extensive damage to. provocation : action or speech that makes someone angry, especially deliberately. violence : behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. vandalism : action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.
Synonym of vandalism is violence
33. It took him a long time to come round after the operation.
Option “A” is correct. recover : return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. walk : move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once. move : go in a specified direction or manner; change position. eat : put (food) into the mouth and chew and swallow it. come round: recover consciousness.
Synonym of come round is recover
34. I don’t like alien fashions.
Option “A” is correct. foreign : of, from, in, or characteristic of a country or language other than one’s own. extraneous : irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with. unusual : not habitually or commonly occurring or done. exotic : originating in or characteristic of a distant foreign country. alien : belonging to a foreign country.
Synonym of alien is foreign
35. Catching snakes can be hazardous for people untrained in the art.
Option “D” is correct. tricky : (of a task, problem, etc.) requiring care and skill because difficult or awkward. harmful : causing or likely to cause harm. difficult : needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand. dangerous : able or likely to cause harm or injury. hazardous : risky; dangerous.\
Synonym of hazardous is dangerous
Option “D” is correct. Enlightened : having or showing a rational, modern, and well-informed outlook. Realised : become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly. Shook : emotionally or physically disturbed; upset. Waken : emerge or cause to emerge from sleep; stop sleeping. Awakened : rouse from sleep; cause to stop sleeping.
Synonym of Awakened is Waken
Option “C” is correct. Appreciate : recognize the full worth of. Frank : open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters. Indulge : allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of. Pacify : quell the anger, agitation, or excitement of. Gratify : indulge or satisfy (a desire).
Synonym of Gratify is Indulge
Option “C” is correct. Cautious : (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers. Critical : expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements. Perilous : full of danger or risk. Brittle : hard but liable to break easily. Precarious : not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.
Synonym of Precarious is Perilous
Option “A” is correct. Dishonour : a state of shame or disgrace. Glory : high renown or honour won by notable achievements. Integrity : the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Reputation : the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something. Infamy : the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed.
Synonym of Infamy is Dishonour
Option “B” is correct.
Crafty :clever at achieving one’s aims by indirect or deceitful methods. Skillful : having or showing skill. Meaningful : having meaning. Cruel : wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it. Masterly : showing great skill; very accomplished.