Percentage Questions : When it comes to preparing for competitive examinations, “percentage questions” stand out as a crucial topic every aspirant must grasp. Whether you’re gearing up for the Bank, SSC, Railways, or other government exams, “percentage questions” consistently feature as a key component of the syllabus. This comes as no surprise since understanding “percentage questions” lays the foundation for various other mathematical concepts.
Why, you might ask, is there such an emphasis on “percentage questions”? The answer lies in the multi-faceted nature of these questions. They not only test your mathematical prowess but also challenge your analytical thinking. In the realm of competitive exams, especially in the Bank, SSC, and Railways, there’s a noticeable trend: “percentage questions for competitive exams” often appear, challenging countless aspirants every year.
If you delve into past papers and mock tests, you’ll frequently encounter “percentage questions for competitive exams”. And, it doesn’t stop there. The variations of “questions on percentage for competitive exams” are manifold, each presenting its unique challenge. Moreover, “percentage competitive questions” are known to have tricked even the most seasoned of candidates, emphasizing their importance.
So, what’s the game plan? As we venture deeper into this article, we aim to equip you with strategies and understanding specifically tailored to “percentage questions”. By addressing both “percentage questions for competitive exams” and throwing light on intricate “questions on percentage for competitive exams”, we intend to prepare you for any twist that may come your way. Additionally, we will unravel the intricacies of “percentage competitive questions” to ensure a well-rounded preparation.
By the end, our goal is for you to look at “percentage questions” not as a challenge but as an opportunity, an opportunity to score and excel in the Bank, SSC, Railways, and other government exams. So, let’s embark on this percentage-filled journey together!
61. Manish’s salary is half of Ravi’s salary. Ravi’s salary is how much percentage more than Manish’s Salary?
मनीष का वेतन, रवि के वेतन का आधा है। रवि का वेतन, मनीष के वेतन से कितने प्रतिशत अधिक है?
62. A person saves his income by 20%. If, his income increases by 25% while his savings remains same, then find percentage increase in his expenditure.
एक व्यक्ति अपनी आय का 20% बचाता है। यदि, उसकी आय में 25% की वृद्धि होती है, जबकि उसकी बचत समान रहती है, तो उसके व्यय में प्रतिशत वृद्धि ज्ञात करें।
63. 25 litres of a mixture contains 30% of spirit and the rest is water. If 5 litres of water is mixed in it, the percentage of spirit in the new mixture is:
25 लीटर में मिश्रण में 30% स्प्रिट और शेष पानी है। यदि इसमें 5 लीटर पानी मिलाया जाता है तो नए मिश्रण में स्प्रिट का प्रतिशत है:
64. 50% of a = b, then b% of 40 is the same as _________ times of a.
a का 50% = b है, तो 40 का b%, a के _________ गुना के बराबर है।
65. If x and y are two positive numbers and x is 25% greater than y, what is the value of the ratio y/x?
यदि x और y दो धनात्मक संख्याएँ हैं और x, y से 25% अधिक है, तो y/x अनुपात का मान क्या है?
66. Sandy donated 13% of her salary to an organization working for the blind people, 12% of her salary to the orphanage, 14% of her salary, the institution working for the physically challenged people, and 16% of her salary The institution helping the medical aid. The remaining amount of salary Rs 24345 is deposited in the bank for monthly expenditure. Find out the amount donated in the orphanage
सैंडी अपने वेतन का 13% नेत्रहीन व्यक्तियों के लिए काम करने वाले एक संगठन को, वेतन का 12% अनाथालय को, वेतन का 14% शारीरिक रूप से अक्षम व्यक्तियों के लिए कार्य करने वाले संगठन और अपने वेतन का 16% चिकित्सकीय सहायता प्रदान करने वाली एक संस्था को प्रदान करती है। वेतन की शेष राशि 24345 रुपए को मासिक खर्च के लिए बैंक में जमा किया जाता है। तो अनाथालय में दी गयी राशि ज्ञात कीजिए।
67. If X is 80% more than Y, then Y is how much percentage less than X?
यदि X, Y से 80% अधिक है, तो Y, X से कितने प्रतिशत कम है?
68. The present population of a village is 28000. If it increases at the rate of 5% per annum, population after 2 years will be:
एक गाँव की वर्तमान जनसंख्या 28000 है। यदि इसमें 5% प्रति वर्ष की दर से वृद्धि होती है, तो 2 वर्ष के बाद जनसंख्या कितनी होगी?
69. There are 30% monkeys, 40% deer, 10% wolves and 20% lions in a forest. If all 100 deer are captured from the forest, how many lions are there in the forest?
एक जंगल में 30% बंदर, 40% हिरण, 10% भेड़िये और 20% शेर हैं। यदि जंगल से सभी 100 हिरण को पकड़ लिया जाता है, तो अब जंगल में कितने शेर हैं?
70. The total number of boys in a college is 16% more than the total number of girls in a college. What is the ratio of the total number of boys compared to girls in that college?
एक कॉलेज में लड़कों की कुल संख्या कॉलेज में लड़कियों की कुल संख्या से 16% अधिक है। उस कॉलेज में लड़कियों की तुलना में लड़कों की कुल संख्या का अनुपात क्या है?