Top 230 Profit and Loss Questions for Competitive Exams [100%

Navigating the world of profit and loss can sometimes feel like deciphering a maze. At the core of this maze are profit and loss questions that not only test our aptitude but also have real-world applications. Have you ever wondered about these profit and loss questions in Hindi? Or perhaps sought profit and loss aptitude questions to boost your reasoning skills? You’re not alone. Every year, numerous students and professionals alike search for profit and loss questions and answers to better understand this pivotal concept.

To cater to the diverse needs of learners, resources such as profit and loss questions and answers PDF, profit and loss questions with solutions, and even profit and loss questions in Hindi PDF have emerged. These resources offer a comprehensive look into the realm of profit and loss, ensuring you’re equipped with the necessary tools to tackle any challenge.

Profit and loss questions are pivotal in understanding how the mechanics of business operate. Let’s break it down: If you sell a product for more than its original purchase price, you make a profit. On the contrary, if you sell it for less than what you spent on it, you incur a loss. Now, wouldn’t it be wonderful to have all your profit and loss questions in Hindi or in any other language you prefer? This is precisely where profit and loss aptitude questions come in handy, assisting learners in grasping these fundamental concepts.

For those in search of comprehensive materials, profit and loss questions and answers, as well as profit and loss questions and answers PDF, serve as invaluable resources. Not only do they provide clarity, but they also allow learners to practice and hone their skills. Moreover, for native Hindi speakers, the availability of profit and loss questions in Hindi and profit and loss questions in Hindi PDF can be an added advantage, making the learning process more relatable and easier to comprehend.

Moreover, as a bonus for our readers, here are some key formulas that come in handy when tackling profit and loss questions:

  1. Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price
  2. Loss = Cost Price – Selling Price
  3. Profit % = (Profit / Cost Price) × 100%
  4. Loss% = (Loss / Cost Price) × 100%
  5. Selling Price = [(100 + Profit%)/100] × Cost Price
  6. Cost Price = [100/(100 + Profit%)] × Selling Price
  7. Selling Price = [(100 – Loss%)/100] × Cost Price
  8. Cost Price = [100/(100 – Loss%)] × Selling Price
  9. Discount = Marked Price – Selling Price

In conclusion, whether you’re diving deep into profit and loss questions with solutions, looking for profit and loss aptitude questions, or even if your focus is primarily on profit and loss questions in Hindi or profit and loss questions in Hindi PDF, this guide aims to be your trusted companion on this journey.

Top 230 Profit and Loss Questions

91. A shopkeeper marks the price of the mobile 50% above the cost price and he allows the two successive discounts 20% and 15% respectively. What is the percentage of the profit earned by the shopkeeper?

एक दुकानदार लागत मूल्य से 50% अधिक मोबाइल का मूल्य अंकित करता है और वह क्रमागत 20% और 15% की दो छूट देता है। दुकानदार द्वारा अर्जित लाभ का प्रतिशत क्या है?

A. 1%
B. 2%
C. 4%
D. 3%
E. None of these

Option “B” is correct.

CP = x

MP = x * 150/100 = 3x/2

SP = 3x/2 * 80/100 * 85/100

= 51x/50

Required percentage = ([51x/50] – x)/x * 100

= 1/50 * 100 = 2%

92. The marked price of the article is Rs.1800. If the shopkeeper allows 20% discount on the marked price and then it is sold for Rs.340 profit. What is the cost price of the article?

वस्तु का अंकित मूल्य 1800 रुपये है। यदि दुकानदार अंकित मूल्य पर 20% छूट की अनुमति देता है और फिर इसे 340 रुपये के लाभ पर बेचा जाता है। वस्तु की लागत मूल्य क्या है?

A. Rs.1000
B. Rs.1100
C. Rs.1200
D. Rs.1400
E. None of these

Option “B” is correct.

Given that, MP of the article =1800

Then SP=1800 * 80/100=Rs. 1440

Thus, CP=1440 – 340=Rs. 1100

93. The cost price of the mobile is Rs.2000. If the shopkeeper marked up the price by 30% and allowed the discount of 10%, then what is the profit percentage of the mobile?

मोबाइल का लागत मूल्य 2000 रु. है। यदि दुकानदार ने 30% ऊपर मूल्य को चिन्हित किया और 10% की छूट को प्रस्तावित किया, तो मोबाइल का लाभ प्रतिशत क्या है?

A. 13%
B. 15%
C. 12%
D. 17%
E. None of these

Option “D” is correct.

Given that, CP=Rs. 2000

Then, MP=2000 * 130/100=Rs. 2600

Thus, SP=2600 * 90/100=Rs. 2340

Profit percentage=[(2340 – 2000)/2000] * 100=17%

94. The shopkeeper sold two mobiles for Rs.6000 each. If one of the mobile sold at 20% profit and another one is 20% loss, then what is the profit or loss for whole transaction?

एक दुकानदार ने 6000 रुपये प्रति मोबाइल की दर से दो मोबाइल बेचे। यदि एक मोबाइल 20% लाभ पर और दूसरा 20% हानि पर बेचा जाता है, तो पूरे लेनदेन पर उसे कितना लाभ या हानि होगी?

A. No loss no profit
B. Rs.400 profit
C. Rs.600 loss
D. Rs.500 loss
E. Rs.600 profit

Option “D” is correct.

Total SP=6000 + 6000 =Rs. 12000

CP of the first mobile=100/120 * 6000=Rs. 5000

CP of second mobile=100/80 * 6000=Rs. 7500

Total CP=5000 + 7500=Rs. 12500

Loss=12500 – 12000=Rs.500

95. Rahul bought 15 laptops for Rs.75000 and then he also spends Rs.3000 for transport charge. If he sells 13 laptops for Rs.83200, then what is the approximate profit percentage?

राहुल ने 15 लैपटॉप 75000 रु. में खरीदे और फिर उन्होंने परिवहन शुल्क के लिए 3000 रु. भी खर्च किए। यदि वह 13 लैपटॉप को 83200 . में बेचता है, तो अनुमानित लाभ प्रतिशत क्या है?

A. 21%
B. 23%
C. 27%
D. 29%
E. 31%

Option “B” is correct.

15 laptops=Rs.75000

Transport charge=Rs.3000

Total spending amount=75000 + 3000=78000

CP of one laptop=78000/15=5200

SP of one laptop=83200/13=6400

Profit-6400 – 5200=1200

Required percentage=1200/5200 * 100=23%

96. The profit earned by selling a table for Rs. 3600 is equal to the loss incurred by selling the same table for Rs. 1200. At what price should the table be sold to make 40 % profit?

एक टेबल को 3600 रुपये में बेचकर कमाया गया लाभ, 1200 रुपये में उसी टेबल को बेचकर हुए हानि के बराबर है। 40% लाभ कमाने के लिए टेबल को किस कीमत पर बेचा जाना चाहिए?

A. Rs. 3540
B. Rs. 3280
C. Rs. 3360
D. Rs. 3420
E. None of these

Option “C” is correct.

According to the question,

Profit = Loss

SP1 – CP = CP – SP2

3600 – CP = CP – 1200

3600 + 1200 = 2CP

4800 = 2CP

CP = 4800/2 = Rs. 2400

To make 40 % profit,

SP = 2400 * (140/100) = Rs. 3360

97. Mona bought a printer and sold it to Sona for Rs.2400 thereby making a profit of 20%. At what price Mona must sell the printer to earn a profit of 60%?

मोना ने एक प्रिंटर खरीदा और उसे सोना को 2400 रुपये में बेच दिया, जिससे 20% का लाभ हुआ। मोना को 60% का लाभ अर्जित करने के लिए प्रिंटर को किस कीमत पर बेचना चाहिए?

A. Rs. 2400
B. Rs. 2800
C. Rs. 3000
D. Rs. 3200
E. Rs. 3600

Option “D” is correct.

CP of printer for Mona = x


X* (100+20)/100 = 2400

X = 5/6 * 2400

X = 2000

So, CP of printer for Mona = 2000

To make a profit of 60%,

SP = [(100+60)/100] * 2000= Rs. 3200

98. If the marked price of a headset is 120% of its cost price and the shopkeeper allows the discount of 15%, So the shopkeeper gets the profit of Rs.800. what is the cost price of the headset?

यदि एक हेडसेट की अंकित मूल्य लागत मूल्य का 120% है और दुकानदार 15% की छूट देता है, तो दुकानदार को 800 रूपये का लाभ मिलता है। हेडसेट की लागत मूल्य क्या है?

A. Rs.30000
B. Rs.20000
C. Rs.40000
D. Rs.50000
E. Rs.60000

Option “C” is correct.


MP=100x * 120/100=120x

SP=120x * 85/100=102x

Profit=SP – CP


x =400

CP=400 * 100=40000

99. Arun earned a profit of 20% after allowing a discount of 10%. Marked price is what percentage more than cost price?

10% की छूट प्रस्तावित करने के बाद, अरुण ने 20% का लाभ कमाया। चिह्नित मूल्य, लागत मूल्य से कितना प्रतिशत अधिक है?

A. 33.33%
B. 25%
C. 45.65%
D. 56%
E. None of these

Option “A” is correct.

Let the labeled price be Rs.100.

SP = 100 * 90/100 = 90

CP = 90 * 100/120 = 75

Required percentage = (100 – 75)/75 * 100 = 25/75 * 100 = 33.33%

100. A shopkeeper allows the two successive discounts on the article 20% and 10% respectively and then he earned the profit of Rs.1200. If the cost price of the article is Rs.6000, find the marked price of the article?

एक दुकानदार वस्तु पर दो क्रमागत छूट क्रमशः 20% और 10% देता है और फिर उसने रु.1200 का लाभ अर्जित किया। यदि वस्तु की लागत मूल्य रु .6000 है, तो वस्तु का अंकित मूल्य ज्ञात कीजिए?

A. Rs.8000
B. Rs.10000
C. Rs.12000
D. Rs.9000
E. None of these

Option “B” is correct.

SP = 6000 + 1200 = 7200

MP * 80/100 * 90/100 = 7200

MP = 10000