Top 210 Most Asked Boat and Stream Questions [ 100% FREE ]

Navigating through competitive exams requires a clear understanding of various topics, one of which is boat and stream questions. The world of boats and streams is not just about boats moving on water; it’s about understanding the intricate dance between the boat and the water’s flow. And in the realm of competitive exams, this dance translates into boat and stream questions that challenge, intrigue, and test the understanding of aspirants.

One of the primary reasons behind the popularity of boat and stream questions in Government exams is their real-world applicability. Imagine a boat navigating the waters of a stream. The way it maneuvers against or along the stream can be mathematically modeled, and this forms the basis of boat and stream questions. Given their relevance, it’s no surprise that these questions often make an appearance in the quantitative aptitude section of various exams, carrying a weightage of 1-3 marks.

But before diving headlong into boat and stream questions, it’s vital to grasp the fundamental concepts associated with boats and streams. At the heart of these questions lies the boat and stream formula. This formula, crucial for solving boat and stream questions, breaks down the dynamics of boats in different water conditions. And for those eager to delve deep into the topic, our boat and stream formula pdf offers a detailed look into the mathematical intricacies of the concept.

Understanding boats and streams is about more than just formulas; it’s about visualizing various scenarios. Consider a boat moving against the flow of water. This is termed as ‘upstream’. The speed at which the boat moves in this scenario gives us the upstream speed. On the other hand, when the boat aligns with the water’s flow, moving with the current, it’s called ‘downstream’, and we measure its net speed as the downstream speed. And of course, there are times when waters are calm, and we’re dealing with ‘still water’ scenarios, where the water speed is zero.

For many aspirants, especially those who prefer reading in Hindi, we’ve curated boat and stream questions in Hindi. This ensures that everyone, regardless of their language preference, has equal access to this crucial topic. Moreover, our boat and stream questions pdf provides a handy compilation of these questions, making it easier for aspirants to practice and master the topic.


In conclusion, boat and stream questions are not just another topic; they are a doorway to understanding the beautiful interplay between motion and resistance, between man-made vessels and nature’s flow. Whether you’re seeking the boat and stream formula or practicing with our boats and streams problems, remember that each question brings you one step closer to mastering this vital topic for your exams.

Top 210 Most Asked Boat and Stream Questions

61. The time taken by a man takes to row 120 km along the stream is one-third of the time taken to row against the stream. Find the speed of the boat in still water, if the speed of stream is 10 km/hr?

एक व्यक्ति द्वारा धारा के साथ 120 किमी की दूरी तय करने में लिया गया समय, धारा के विपरीत जाने में लगने वाले समय का एक तिहाई है। शांत जल में नाव की गति ज्ञात कीजिए, यदि धारा की गति 10 किमी/घंटा है?

A. 24 km/hr
B. 20 km/hr
C. 18 km/hr
D. 14 km/hr
E. None of these

Option “B” is correct.

Let us take the speed of the boat in still water be x km/hr,

120/(x + 10) = (1/3)*(120/(x – 10))

x + 10 = 3x – 30

2x = 40

x = 20

Speed of the boat in still water = 20 km/hr

62. The speed of the current is 4 km/hr. A boat goes 10 km upstream and comes back to starting point in 80 minutes. What is the speed of the boat in still water? (In km/hr)

धारा की गति 4 किमी/घंटा है। एक नाव धारा के प्रतिकूल 10 किमी जाती है और 80 मिनट में प्रारंभिक बिंदु पर वापस आती है। शांत जल में नाव की गति क्या है? (किमी/घंटा में)

A. 10 km/hr
B. 16 km/hr
C. 14 km/hr
D. 12 km/hr
E. 8 km/hr

Option “B” is correct.

Let the speed of boat be x km/hr

According to the question, 10/(x – 4) + 10/(x + 4) = 80/60

=> 10 (x + 4 + x – 4) = 4/3(x2 – 16)

=> 15x = x2 – 16

=>x2 – 16 – 15x = 0

=> x = 16, -1     (taking only positive value)

Therefore, the speed of boat in still water = 16km/hr

63. The ratio of the speed of boat in still water to the speed of the stream is 5:4. If the boat covers 72 km distance in upstream and downstream in 20 hours, then find the speed of boat in still water?

शांत जल में नाव की गति से धारा की गति का अनुपात 5:4 है। यदि नाव धारा के प्रतिकूल और धारा के अनुकूल में 72 किमी की दूरी 20 घंटे में तय करती है, तो शांत जल में नाव की गति ज्ञात कीजिए?

A. 20 kmph
B. 16 kmph
C. 24 kmph
D. 25 kmph
E. None of these

Option “A” is correct.

Downstream speed=5x + 4x=9x

Upstream speed=5x – 4x=x

According to the question,

72/9x + 72/x=20

After solving this we have,

x=4 kmph

Speed of the boat in still water=5 * 4=20 kmph

64. If the time taken by a boat to travels 30 km upstream is twice the time taken by that boat to travel 75 km downstream. If the speed of the stream is 10 kmph, what is the speed of the boat in still water?

यदि एक नाव द्वारा 30 किमी ऊर्ध्वप्रवाह दूरी तय करने में लगने वाला समय 75 किमी अनुप्रवाह यात्रा करने में लगा समय से दोगुना है। यदि धारा की गति 10 किमी प्रति घंटा है, तब स्थिर पानी में नाव की गति क्या है?

A. 20 kmph
B. 15 kmph
C. 25 kmph
D. 30 kmph
E. None of these

Option “B” is correct.

Speed of the boat in still water=x

30/(x – 10) = 2 * [75/(x + 10)]

30(x + 10) = 150 * (x – 10)

30x + 300 = 150x – 1500

120x = 1800

x = 15 kmph

65. The ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to speed of stream on Thursday is 4:3. If the boat travels 140km along with the current in 4 hours and it will come back in?

स्थिर पानी में नाव की गति से धारा की गति का अनुपात गुरुवार को 4: 3 है। यदि नाव 4 घंटे में धारा के साथ 140 किमी की दूरी तय करती है तो यह वापस _________ समय में आ जाएगी?

A. 22 hours
B. 25 hours
C. 26 hours
D. 28 hours
E. None of these

Option “D” is correct.

Downstream speed=140/4=35 kmph

Speed of the boat in still water=4x

Speed of the stream=3x

4x + 3x=35

X=5 kmph

Speed of the boat in still water=4x=20 kmph

Speed of the stream=3x=15 kmph

Upstream speed=20 – 15=5 kmph

Time=140/5=28 hours

66. The time taken by the boat to travel 360 km distance downstream is 60% of the time taken to travel the same distance upstream. If the speed of the stream is 5 kmph, then what is the speed of the boat in still water?

नाव द्वारा 360 किमी की दूरी की अनुप्रवाह यात्रा करने में लगने वाला समय, उसी दूरी को उर्धव्प्रवाह तय करने के लिए लिए गए समय का 60% है। यदि धारा की गति 5 किमी प्रति घंटा है, तो शांत जल में नाव की गति क्या है?

A. 10 kmph
B. 12 kmph
C. 15 kmph
D. 20 kmph
E. 18 kmph

Option “D” is correct.

Speed of the boat in still water=x

360/(x + 5)=60/100 * (360/(x – 5))

5/(x + 5)=3/(x – 5)

3x + 15=5x – 25


x=20 kmph

67. A boat covers a certain distance along with stream in 4 hours and the same boat covers same distance against stream in 12 hours. What is the ratio of the speed of the boat in still water to stream?

एक नाव 4 घंटे में धारा के साथ कुछ दूरी तय करती है और वही नाव 12 घंटे में धारा के विपरीत समान दूरी को तय करती है। स्थिर पानी में नाव की गति से धारा की गति का अनुपात क्या है?

A. 2:1
B. 3:2
C. 4:3
D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these

Option “A” is correct.

Speed of the boat in still water = x

Speed of the stream = y

Downstream speed = D / 4

x+ y = D / 4

D = 4x + 4y

Upstream speed = D / 12

x – y = D / 12

D = 12x – 12y

4x + 4y = 12x – 12y

8x = 16y

x/y = 2/1

68. Ratio of the speed of the boat in still water and stream is 4:3 and the ratio of the speed of boat row along with current and against current is 7:1, what is the speed of the stream?

स्थिर पानी और धारा में नाव की गति का अनुपात 4: 3 है और धारा के साथ और धारा के विपरीत नाव की गति का अनुपात 7: 1 है, धारा की गति क्या है?

A. 10 kmph
B. 5 kmph
C. 15 kmph
D. 20 kmph
E. Cannot be determined

Option “E” is correct.

Speed of the stream = 3x

Speed of the boat in still water = 4x

Downstream speed = 7y

Upstream speed = y

7y = 3x + 4x

x = y

We cannot find the answer.

69. The time taken by a boat to cover a distance of ‘D-36’ km upstream is half the time taken by it to cover a distance of ‘D’ km downstream. The ratio of the speed of downstream to that of upstream is 3:2. If the time taken to cover ‘D-22’ km upstream is 2 hours, then what is the speed of the current?

‘D-36’ किमी धारा के प्रतिकूल की एक दूरी को तय करने में नाव के द्वारा लिया गया समय, ‘D’ किमी धारा के अनुकूल की एक दूरी को तय करने में इसके द्वारा लिए गए समय का आधा है। धारा के अनुकूल से धारा के प्रतिकूल की गति का अनुपात 3: 2 है। यदि ‘D-22’ किमी धारा-प्रतिकूल दूरी को तय करने में लिया गया समय 2 घंटे है, तो धारा की गति क्या है?

A. 5 kmph
B. 8 kmph
C. 6 kmph
D. 4 kmph
E. None of these

Option “D” is correct.

70. The boat covers a certain distance along with stream in 12 hours and the same boat covers the same distance against stream in 20 hours. If the sum of the speed of downstream and upstream is 32 kmph, then find the speed of stream?

नाव धारा के अनुकूल निश्चित दूरी को 12 घंटे में तय करती है और वही नाव धारा के प्रतिकूल उसी दूरी को 20 घंटे में तय करती है। यदि धारा के अनुकूल और धारा के प्रतिकूल की गति का योग 32 किमी प्रति घंटा है, तो धारा की गति को ज्ञात कीजिए?

A. 2 kmph
B. 4 kmph
C. 5 kmph
D. 6 kmph
E. 10 kmph

Option “B” is correct.

Speed of the boat = x

Speed of stream = y

x = 32/2 = 16 kmph

d/(16 + y) = 12

d/(16 – y) = 20

12 * (16 + y) = 20 * (16 – y)

48 + 3y = 80 – 5y

y = 4 kmph