Read the following funnel chart carefully and answer the questions given below. Funnel chart shows total number of employees (male and female) in HR department.
Note: (I) Post graduate female employees are 20% more than post graduate male employees in HR department.
(II) The total number of employees are 8000.
1. Find the ratio of X to Z.
1. 4:3
2. 4:5
3. 2:3
4. 5:3
5. 7:5
2. Total number of male employees in sales are 4(1/6)% more than total number of graduate male employees. If total number of employees in sales are 37.5% less than that of HR, then find the percentage of female employees in sales?
1. 128%
2. 42%
3. 28%
4. 25%
5. 10%
3. Find the difference between Y and A.
1. 515
2. 580
3. 520
4. 545
5. 560
4. X/2% of total post graduate male employees and (Z-5) % of total number of graduate female employees are intern respectively. Find the total number of permanent post graduate male employees and graduate female employees together.
1. 1896
2. 1244
3. 1540
4. 1782
5. 1928
5. Total number of employees in finance department is 2.5Y and total number of male employees in that department is X%. If total number of male and female graduate employees are Z% and A/2, then find the average number of post graduate employees (male and female) in finance.
1. 720
2. 655
3. 545
4. 810
5. 240
Line graph show total number of people who ordered food only from zomato and only from eat club in four (A, B, C & D) different cities.
Bar graph shows percentage of total number of people who ordered food only from swiggy and percentage of total number of people who ordered food from zomato & swiggy together out of total number of people who ordered food only from zomato. Percentage of total number of people who ordered food from eat club & swiggy together out total number of people who ordered food from only eat club. Read the following line graph and bar graph carefully and answer the questions given below.
Let people order from zomato and swiggy = a
And, people order from swiggy and eat club = b
Percentage of ordered from swiggy = c
1. Total number of people who ordered food only from swiggy in B is what percent total number of people who ordered food from zomato and swiggy together in D?
1. 12(7/9)%
2. 18(7/9)%
3. 28(7/9)%
4. 21(7/9)%
5. 27(7/9)%
2. Total number of people who ordered food from eat club and swiggy together in C is how much more and less than total number of people who ordered food only from eat club in A.
1. 210
2. 195
3. 145
4. 105
5. 220
3. Ratio of total number of people who ordered veg to non-veg food from swiggy & eat club together and only from swiggy in D is 3:5 and 5:6 respectively. Find the total number of people who ordered veg food from swiggy & eat club together is what percent more/less than total number of people who ordered non –veg food only from swiggy?
1. 10%
2. 60%
3. 45%
4. 50%
5. 25%
4. In C, food ordered only form box 8 is 60% more than that only from swiggy in A and food ordered only from dunzo is 25% of food ordered only from box 8 in C. Find the average number of people who ordered food only from eat club, box8 & dunzo.
1. 40
2. 120
3. 80
4. 150
5. 90
5. Food ordered only form eat club in city X is 65% of food ordered only from swiggy in A. Ratio of food ordered only from zomato in city X to zomato and swiggy together in B is 7:10. Find the sum of total food ordered only from eat club and only from zomato in X.
1. 78
2. 74
3. 67
4. 62
5. 55