Data Interpretation Questions

Data Interpretation Questions for Competitive Exams

Data Interpretation: Data Interpretation Questions are usually asked in  all competitive exams like SSC, SBI, IBPS, RBI, LIC, RRB, AAI, DRDO, ISRO, NTR, FSSAI, CWC, LIC, SSC CGL, Railways and other state government exams. 
Data Interpretation questions require clear observation of charts like pie chart, bar chart, radar chart, line chart, table chart. On this page, we are providing all varieties of Data Interpretation Questions along with previous year Data Interpretation Questions.
Data Interpretation Questions are usually based on basic knowledge of arithmetic & fast calculation which includes good command on multiplication, division, addition, subtraction along with Vedic Math. 

Data Interpretation Questions is a very important section of Quantitative Aptitude. Most of the questions come from Data Interpretation in Quantitative Aptitude section.

 Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
The given table shows the number of employees and ratio of the male to female employees in three different companies from five different cities.

1. What is the average number of male employees in Wipro from all the cities together?

Ans: 4

Average number of male in Wipro = (1500 + 2400 + 2400 + 1600 + 3000)/5
= 2180


2. The number of male employees in TCS from Mumbai is approximately what percent of the number of female employees in Infosys from Bangalore?

Ans: 3

Required percentage=400/500 * 100=80%


3. What is a total number female employee in Delhi from all the cities together?

Ans: 4

Required total=900 + 1000 + 1600=3500


4. What is the ratio of the number of male employees from Kolkata, Mumbai and Bangalore together in TCS to the number of female employees from Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi together in Wipro?

Ans: 2

Required ratio=(1500 + 400 + 3200):(900 + 400 + 1600)


5. What is the average number of female employees in Infosys from all the cities together?

Ans: 3

Required average = (1600 + 500 + 1000 + 200 + 500) / 5
= 760


Read the following data carefully and answer the following questions based on that.

6. Applied Candidates from State Bihar and Gujarat together are approximately what percentage less than that from State Goa and Haryana together?

Ans: 5
Applied Candidates from state Bihar and Gujarat = (19200+12960) = 32160
Applied Candidates from state Goa and Haryana =(27000 + 21420) = 48420
Required percent = (48420 – 32160)/ 48420 ×100 = 34%(app)


7. What is the average Rejected Candidates for all States together?

Ans: 1
Total Rejected Candidates= (5760+9720+3240+8568+5712+4536) = 37536
Required average = 37536 / 6 = 6256


8. What is the ratio of selected candidates from state Sikkim to Assam?

Ans: 3
Selected candidates from state Sikkim = 16200*(70/100)*(60/100) = 6804
Selected candidates from state Assam = 20400*(80/100)*(65/100) = 10608
Required ratio =6804 /10608 = 567 : 884


9. Ratio of selected male to female candidates from state Goa is 5:7 and 5% of selected female is equal to the number of rejected female candidates then rejected male candidates is what percentage of the applied male candidates, if the ratio of male to female Applied candidates from that State is 8:7?

Ans: 4
Male Applied candidates from State Goa = 27000 x 8/15 = 14400
Total female Candidates from State Goa = 17280 x 7/12 = 10080
Rejected female Candidates = 10080 x 5/100 = 504
Rejected male candidates = 9720-504=9216
Required percentage = 9216/14400 x 100 = 64%


10. If 45%, 60% and 75% of the Selected Candidates from State Bihar, Gujarat and Assam are females respectively then, what is the ratio of female selected candidates from state Bihar, Gujarat and Assam?

Ans: 4
Female selected candidates from state Bihar = 24000*(80/100)*(70/100)*(45/100) = 6048
Female selected candidates from state Gujarat = 18000*(72/100)*(75/100)*(60/100) = 5832
Female selected candidates from state Assam = 20400*(80/100)*(65/100)*(75/100) = 7956
Ratio of female selected candidates from state Bihar. Gujarat and Assam = 6048:5832:7956
Required ratio = 168:162:221