Organic Chemistry

21.The shape of methane molecule is
A. Angular
B. planar
C. linear
D. tetrahedron
Option”D” is correct
22.What is the bond angle between carbon and hydrogen in methane molecule?
A. 105°
B. 120°
C. 180°
D. 109°28
Option”D” is correct
23.The correct statement about methane is –
A. It is produced by the bacterial decomposition of plant and animal matter buried below in shallow places.
B. It is the first member of the saturated hydrocarbon series.
C. It is also called marsh gas.
D. all of the above
Option”D” is correct
24.Which gas is produced by the reaction of water with aluminum carbide?
A. methane
B. ethane
C. ethylene
D. acetylene
Option”A” is correct
25.methane is made in the lab
A. By heating sodium acetate with sodalime
B. By heating sodium propionate with sodalime
C. By heating sodium benzoate with sodalime
D. none of these
Option”A” is correct
26.Which of the following gas is known as marsh gas?
A. methane
B. ethane
C. ethylene
D. acetylene
Option”A” is correct
27.Which gas is obtained by mixing the gases coming out of the septic tank?
A. methane
B. ammonia
C. hydrogen
D. nitrogen
Option”A” is correct
28.What is the main component of gobar gas?
A. ethane
B. methane
C. propane
D. acetylene
Option”B” is correct
29.The main component of natural gas is
A. methane
B. ethane
C. butane
D. hydrogen
Option”A” is correct
30.What is the main component of bio gas?
A. hydrogen
B. methane
C. butane
D. acetylene
Option”B” is correct