Organic Chemistry

41.Which one is not an anesthetic agent in surgical operation?
A. nitrous oxide
B. acetone
C. chloroform
D. ether
Option”B” is correct
42.The constituent elements in alcohol are
A. N, H and O
B. C , H and O
C. O, C and N
D. H, Cl and O
Option”B” is correct
43.Which of the following is also known as ‘wood-spirit’?
A. methyl alcohol
B. ethyl alcohol
C. ethylene glycol
D. glycerol
Option”A” is correct
44.The chemical formula of methyl alcohol is –
D. C₄H₁₀OH
Option”A” is correct
45.antifreeze is a mixture
A. acetic acid and water
B. formic acid and water
C. of methyl alcohol and water
D. ethyl alcohol water
Option”C” is correct
46.dissolves in water
A. ethyl alcohol
B. chloroform
C. Carbon dioxide
D. carbon tetrachloride
Option”A” is correct
47.present in alcohol
A. ethyl alcohol
B. methyl alcohol
C. acetic acid
D. chloroform
Option”A” is correct
48.occurs in alcoholic beverages
A. butyl alcohol
B. methyl alcohol
C. ethyl alcohol
D. propyl alcohol
Option”C” is correct
49.also known as grain alcohol
A. methyl alcohol
B. ethyl alcohol
C. ethylene glycol
D. glycerol
Option”B” is correct
50.Consuming ethyl alcohol in excess has a bad effect –
A. on kidney
B. on the lever
C. on the heart
D. on the gut
Option”B” is correct